Hasan ibn Yazid, Abu Zaid al-Sirafi.
Anciennes relations des Indes et de la Chine, de deux voyageurs Mahometans, qui y allerent dans le neuviéme siecle; traduites d'Arabe: avec des remarques sur les principaux endroits de ces relations.
A Paris : Chez Jean-Baptiste Coignard, 1718.
xxxix, [1], 397, [17]p ; 8vo.
Previously Dh.6.21.
First work supposedly written down from the reports of Sulaiman the Merchant.
Second part a continuation of the first by Hasan ibn Yazid.
Translated by Eusebe Renaudot (see royal privilege).
Ms. prices.
Label recording bequest to Eton by Nicholas Mann in 1754.
18th century calf.
India Description and travel Early works to 1800.
China Description and travel Early works to 1800.
Sulaiman the Merchant.
Renaudot, Eusèbe, 1646 - 1720 translator.
France Paris.
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