Bb.1.12 - Bb.1.13
[Compendium historiarum. Greek & Latin]
Georgiou tou Kedrenou synopsis historion. Georgii Cedreni compendium historiarum. Ex versione Guillelmi Xylandri, cum eiusdem annotationibus. Accedunt huic editioni præter lacunas tres ingentes, & alias expletas, notæ in Cedrenum P. Iacobi Goar ... & Caroli Annibalis Fabroti I.C. glossarium ad eundem Cedrenum. Item, Ioannes Scylitzes Curopalates, excipiens vbi Cedrenus desinit, nunc primùm Græcè editus, ex Bibliotheca Regia.
Parisiis : E Typographia Regia, 1647.
2v. ; Fo.
([Corpus Byzantinae historiae])
Previously Bb.1.9-10 and Bc.1.6-7.
Text in Latin and Greek.
First five words of title transliterated from the Greek.
Colophon adds "... curante Sebastiano Cramoisy ..." to publication details.
Bookplate of Eton College.
Topham stamp; bequeathed to Eton by Richard Topham in 1736.
17th century calf with arms of the Imprimerie Royale stamped in gold.
World history Early works to 1800.
Xylander, Wilhelm, 1532 - 1576 translator and editor.
France Paris.
lat grc