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Uniform title

[Lives of the philosophers. Greek & Latin]


Diogeneous Laertiou peri bion, dogmaton kai apophthegmaton ton en philosophia eudokimesanton biblia 10 = Diog. Laert. De vitis, dogm. & apophth. clarorum philosophorum, libri X. Heyschii Ill., de iisdem philos. & de aliis scriptoribus liber. Pythagor. philosophorum fragmenta. Omnia Graece & Lat. ex editione II. Is. Casauboni notae ad lib. Diogenis, multo auctiores & emendatiores].

Varying form of title

Peri bion, dogmaton kai apophthegmaton ton en philosophia eudokimesanton, biblia 10

Varying form of title

Parallel title: Diog. Laert. De vitis, dogm. et apophth. clarorum philosophorum libri X. Hesychii ill. de iisdem philos., & de aliis scriptoribus liber. Pythagor. philosophorum fragmenta

Varying form of title

Portion of title: De vitis, dogm. et apopth. clarorum philosophorum libri X. Hesychii ill. de iisdem philos., & de aliis scriptoribus liber. Pythagor. philosophorum fragmenta

Publication, distribution, etc.

[Genevae] : Excudebat Henr. Steph., Anno M. D. LXXXXIIII. [1594]

Physical description

16, 884, 120, [8], 47, [9], 88p ; 8vo.


Text in Latin and Greek; notes in Latin.


First part of title transliterated from the Greek.


Place of publication from Adams.


Head-pieces, initials, printed marginal notes.


The Latin translation of Diogenes is by Ambrogio Traversari; that of Hesychius is by Hadrianus Junius; cf. introductory epistles.


"Isaaci Casauboni Notae ad Diogenis Laertii libros de vitis, dictis & decretis principum philosophorum. Editio altera, auctior & emendatior", "Fr. Ambrosii In Diogenis Laertii opus à se interpretatum ad Cosmum Medicem epistola" and "Hesychiou Milesiou illoustrious, Peri ton en paideia dialampsanton sophon. = Hesychii Milesii, illustrii cognomento, De iis qui eruditionis fama claruerunt, liber" (first part of title in Greek characters, transliterated) each have divisional half-t.p. and begin new pagination; preliminaries also have separate pagination; register continuous throughout.


Printer's device with motto "Rami vt ego inserer defracti sunt" on title page.

Citation/references note

Adams, D484


Bb.8.18: Bookplate of Eton College.


Bb.8.18: Topham stamp; bequeathed to Eton by Richard Topham in 1736.


Bb.8.18: 18th century gold- and blind-tooled, panelled calf.


Fb.6.25: 17th century dark brown calf; blind tooled border of quadruple fillet; blind fillet tooling on spine; red leather spine label; four raised bands; yellow stained textblock edges.

Copy-specific note

Bb.8.18: Incomplete: final 88 pages only, comprising the work by Hesychius.

Copy-specific note

Fb.6.25: Copy includes 23 p. index of the Diogenes Laertius by Henri Estienne, with errata.


Pythagoras and Pythagorean school Early works to 1800.


Classical biography Early works to 1800.

Added entry--name

Added entry--name

Junius, Hadrianus, 1511 - 1575 editor and translator.

Added entry--name

Added entry--name

Added entry--name

Hesychius of Miletus.

Added entry--place

Switzerland Geneva.

Language code

lat grc


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