[Tou sophotatou Ploutarchou parallelon. Bioi Rhomaion kai Hellenon 49: Sapientissimi Plutarchi paralellum. Vitae Romanorum et Graecorum. Quadraginta novem].
[Florentiae] : [In aedibus Philippi Iuntae], [1517].
99, 106-107, 102-202, [10], 203-330, 338-344, [1] leaves ; Fo.
Previously Fc.2.7 and Bb.2.2.
First part of title transliterated from the Greek.
Imprint details from colophon.
Minor mis-pagination in addition to the above.
Incomplete: wants title-page.
Ms. price: "10-6".
Ms. annotations (partially cropped, and much faded).
Label recording donation to Eton by John Reynolds in 1751.
?18th century mottled calf.
Classical biography Early works to 1800.
Italy Florence.