Be.7.04 - Be.7.05
Codex apocryphus Novi Testamenti, collectus, castigatus testimoniisque, censuris & animadversionibus illustratus à Johanne Alberto Fabricio ...
Editio secunda, emendatior & tertio etiam tomo, separatim venali, aucta.
Hamburgi : Sumptu Viduæ Benjam. Schilleri & Joh. Christoph. Kisneri, 1719.
3v. in 2 ; 8vo.
Text in Greek and Latin.
Bookplate of Eton College.
Topham stamp; bequeathed to Eton by Richard Topham in 1736.
18th century calf.
Previously Ba.6.4-5.
Apocryphal books (New Testament) Early works to 1800.
Germany Hamburg.
lat grc