Collectio Romana bipartita veterum aliquot historiæ ecclesiasticæ monumentorum, edi coepta a Luca Holstenio ... absoluta post eius obitum; notis ipsius posthùmis adiunctis.
Romæ : Typis Iacobi Dragondelli, 1662.
[22], 272, 304, [20]p, plate (folded) ; 8vo.
Previously Bl.7.19.
Edited by F. Barberini, who signs the dedicatory epistle.
Half-title reading "Collectionis veterum ecclesiæ Romanæ monumentorum pars secunda.".
Label recording bequest to Eton by Nicholas Mann in 1754.
17th century calf. Bound (and bought) as Vol. II of Holstenius' "Annotationes in geographiam sacram ...", 1666.
Papal documents Early works to 1800.
Councils and synods Early works to 1800.
Italy Rome.