Sophokleous tragodiai 7. Sophoclis tragoediæ VII. In quibus præter multa menda sublata, carminum omnium ratio hactenus obscurior, nunc apertior proditur: opera Gulielmi Canteri ...
Antuerpiæ : Ex officina Christophori Plantini, 1579.
431, [15]p ; 16mo.
Previously Cb.3.15.
Main text in Greek, with prelims., notes, and translations of "Sententiae" in Latin.
First three words of title transliterated from the Greek.
Colophon has date 1580.
Storer bequest label dated 1800; bequeathed to Eton by Anthony Morris Storer in 1799; Storer monogram on spine?
18th century blue, blind-stamped morocco, with border of floral tools. Monogram of letters A and S on spine (Storer?).
Belgium Antwerp.
lat grc