Caii Sallustii Crispi opera, quæ extant, vnà cum fragmentis.
Antuerpiæ : Apud Christophorum Plantinum, 1587.
192p ; 24mo.
Previously ?Ca.9.15 and ?Ct.7.7.
De Thou shelfmark on cover and front pastedown.
[Bound with:] "C. Velleius Paterculus. I. Lipsius recensuit.", 1596.
Bookplate of Eton College.
Bequeathed to Eton by Anthony Morris Storer in 1799.
De Thou arms and joint monogram of Jacques-Auguste de Thou (1553-1617) and Marie Barbançon (his first wife) on covers.
?17th century red, gold-tooled morocco,. Arms and joint monogram of Jacques-Auguste de Thou (1553-1617) and Marie Barbançon (his first wife) stamped in gold.
Rome History Early works to 1800.
Belgium Antwerp.