Lettere uolgari di diuersi nobilissimi huomini, et eccellentissimi ingegni, scritte in diuerse materie, nuouamente ristampate, & in piu loughi corrette libro primo [- secondo].
In Vinegia : [In casa de' figliuoli di Aldo], 1544-1545.
2v. ; 8vo.
Previously C2n.2.6.15, Cp.9.7 and Cp.8.27.
Edited by P. Manuzio.
Printer from colophon.
Renouard I pp. 309 and 315
Storer bequest label dated 1800; bequeathed to Eton by Anthony Morris Storer in 1799.
18th century green, gold-tooled morocco.
Manuzio, Paolo, 1512 - 1574 printer, editor.
Italy Venice.