Comedie di M. Agnolo Firenzuola Fiorentino, cioè la Trinutia, e i Lucidi; nuouamente ricorrette e ristampate.
In Vinegia : Appresso Gabriel Giolito de' Ferrari, 1561 [1560-1561].
36 [i.e. 48], 49, [1] leaves ; 12mo.
Previously C2n.3.2.21.
Edited by L. Domenichi, who signs the prelims.
"I Lucidi" has own title-page, dated 1560, foliation, and signatures.
Ms. price: "-3-".
[Bound with:] "Calandra, comedia di M. Bernardo Divitio da Babiena.", 1569.
[Bound with:] "Gli Straccioni comedia del Commendator Annibal Caro.", 1589.
Storer bequest label dated 1800; bequeathed to Eton by Anthony Morris Storer in 1799.
18th century gold-tooled calf.
Domenichi, Lodovico, 1515 - 1564 editor.
Italy Venice.