Il pastor fido, tragicomedia pastorale, del Signor Cavalier Battista Guarini, con una nuova aggiunta.
In Amsterdam : Nella stamperia del S. D. Elsevier. Appresso Thomaso Jolly.
Et in Parigi si vende, 1678.
256p, plates ; 32mo.
Previously C1n.3.3.22.
Additional engraved title-page.
Plates by S. Le Clerc.
Storer bequest label dated 1800; bequeathed to Eton by Anthony Morris Storer in 1799.
Armorial bookplate of John Cowper A.M.
Ms. dedication reading "Ino: Wheake by Wm. Pate".
?17th century red, gold-tooled morocco.
Storer, Anthony Morris, 1746 - 1799 former owner.
Netherlands Amsterdam.
France Paris.