[Tusculanae disputationes]
M. T. C. oratorum Homeri prologus in Tusculanarum quæstionum (in quibus de maximis quæstionibus copiose, ornateq; dicit) librum mum fliciter incipit.
[Paris] : [Michel Friburger, Ulrich Gering, and Martin Crantz], [1472].
[88] leaves ; Fo.
Previously Cd.2.2.17, and Cg.2.3.13a.
No title-page; catalgoued from opening to first leaf.
Ms. initials and rubrication on first three leaves.
Hain 5311 bis; Proctor 7831; Goff C632; BMC VIII 5
Storer bequest label dated 1800; bequeathed to Eton by Anthony Morris Storer in 1799.
?18th century black, gold-tooled morocco.
Ethics Early works to 1500.
Philosophy, Ancient Early works to 1500.
France Paris.