Sefer ha-mashveh sive Biblos katallages in quo secundum veterum theologorum Hebræorum formulas allegandi, & modos interpretandi conciliantur ex V. in N.T. allegata, auctore Guilielmo Surenhusio ...
Amstelædami : Apud Johannem Boom, 1713.
[24], 712p ; 4to.
Previously Ag.9.11, Dk.2.17, and DDg.5.16.
Main text in Latin, with extensive extracts in Greek and Hebrew.
First two words of title transliterated from the Hebrew, fourth and fifth from the Greek.
Bookplate of Eton College.
Waddington bookplate; donated to Eton by Edward Waddington in 1731.
18th century calf.
Bible. Criticism, interpretation, etc. Early works to 1800.
Netherlands Amsterdam.
lat grc heb