Bible Icelandic
Biblia Þad Er / Øll Heilög Ritning / utlögd a Norrnu. Med Formalum Doct. Martini. Lutheri.
Prentad a Holum : Af Jone Jons Syne, 1584.
[6], CCXCV, [5], CXCII, [1], CXXIII, [1] leaves : ill. ; Fo.
Some mis-foliation.
Darlow & Moule 5489
Label recording bequest to Eton by Nicholas Mann in 1754; signature of Nicholas Mann.
Ms. note, dated April 5 1705 and signed by William ?Waltman, recording that book, though in his possession, actually belonged to Dr. Hickes (i.e., George Hickes (1642-1715)).
?18th century blind-stamped calf. Re-backed.
Previously Ab.3.7.
Ms. price, annotations and previous shelfmark.
Gudbrandur Þorláksson, 1541? - 1627 Bishop of Hólar,
Iceland Hólar.