Eb.3.02 - Eb.3.03
Bible O.T. Hebrew & Latin
Mikdash yeyai esrim ve-arba sifre ha-mikhtar ha-kadosh im atikato kol bileshon romiyim ve-im perush katsar al pesukim ha-morim ve-kashim En tibi lector Hebraica Biblia, Latina planeq; noua Sebast. Munsteri tralatione, post omneis omnium hactenus ubiuis gentium æditiones euulgata, & quoad fieri potuit, Hebraicæ ueritati conformata: adiectis insuper è rabinorum commentarijs annotationibus ...
Accesserunt in hac secunda editione multæ nouæ annotationes, præsertim in Pentateucho ...
Basileæ : [Ex officinis Michælis Isingrinii & Henrici Petri], 1546.
2v. ; Fo.
Text in Hebrew and Latin.
First part of title transliterated from the Hebrew.
Printer from colophon to Vol. II.
Vol. II: ms. notes on endpapers, mostly catechism translated into Latin by H. B. (Henry Barry).
Darlow & Moule 5090
Label recording donation to Eton by John Reynolds in 1751.
Signature of Deliverance Larkham.
Signature of Henry Barry (scored through).
Further signature heavily scored through (possibly repeated in Eb.3.04, but not very legible).
16th century blind-stamped calf. Central ornament. Remains of clasps.
Switzerland Basel.
lat heb