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Historiae Hussitarum libri duodecim per Ioannem Cochlæum artium ac sacræ theologiæ magistrum, canonicum Vratislauiensem: operose collecti ex uariis & antiquis, tum Bohemorum, tum aliorum codicibus, antea nunquam excusis. Quibus adiuncti sunt. Duo de septem sacramentis et de cæremoniis ecclesiæ tractatus duorum Bohemorum, Io. Rokyzanæ, & Io. Przibram: cum Philippica Septima Io. Cochlæi, De publica Caroli V. Imperatoris Ordinatione, quæ vulgo interim dicitur. Cum indice & correctorio in supradictos XII. libros Historiae Hussitarum. Eiusdem formæ stylique et characteris, ædentur deinceps, Deo propicio, ab eodem Cochlæo, Commentaria de actis & scriptis Martini Lutheri.

Varying form of title

Historiae Hvssitarvm libri dvodecim per Ioannem Cochlaeum artivm ac sacrae theologiæ magistrum, canonicum Vratislauiensem: operose collecti ex uariis & antiquis, tum Bohemorum, tum aliorum codicibus, antea nunquam excusis. Quibus adiuncti sunt

Publication, distribution, etc.

Apud S. Victorem prope Moguntiam : Ex officina Francisci Behem typographi, M.D. XLIX [1549].

Physical description

[32], 599, [1]p ; Fo.


Previously Eh.3.2.


"Commentaria de actis & scriptis Martini Lutheri", announced on title-page was published separately by Franz Behem the same year.


Joannes Przibram's work has caption title: "Liber magistri Ioannis de Przibram Bohemi, De professione fidei Catholicae, et errorum reuocatione ..." on leaf Tt5 recto.


Errata: p. [32] at beginning.


Initials and printed marginalia.


Includes indexes.

Citation/references note

Adams C2272; CLC D685


18th century bookplate of Eton College on title-page verso.


Manuscript inscription in an early hand on title-page, partially unread: "Robertus [?]Johnson [unread] vii s iiii d".


Late 16th or early 17th century dark brown calf over pasteboard, sewn on four double supports; if bound in England, then possibly Oxford. On both covers, a frame comprised of blind triple fillets (thin-thick-thin) with a foliate stamp at corners (similar to Ker ornament 25), with a foliate stamp within centre of frame (Ker ornament 42); outer border of blind triple fillets (thin-thick-thin); board edges tooled with a single blind fillet. Spine with four raised bands, tooled across and aside with blind fillets (single or more), with triple or quadruple fillets at head and tail; endbands of alternating blue and plain thread. Textblock trimmed and undecorated. Endpapers comprising a ?single leaf of white paper (watermark: pot with initials DA) with vellum manuscript waste stubs. Chain mark at tail end of fore-edge on upper cover. Traces of ties.

Copy-specific note

Binding in similar style to Fi.4.04.



Hussites Early works to 1800.

Added entry--name

Added entry--name

Added entry--name

Added entry--place

Germany Mainz.


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