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Fa.9.12 - Fa.9.15



Plutarchi chaeronensis parallela, seu vitæ parallelæ. Id est, vitæ illustrium virorum, quos binos quasi paria composuit. Seu, vitæ comparatae. Interprete Hermanno Cruserio, I.C. atque illustrissimi ducis Cliuensis consiliario.

Varying form of title

Plutarchi vitarum comparatarum tomus secundus

Varying form of title

Plvtarchi vitarvm comparatarum tomus secundus

Varying form of title

Plutarchi vitae comparatae, Artistidis et M. Catonis Maioris

Varying form of title

Plutarchi vitarum comparatarum tomus tertius

Varying form of title

Plvtarchi vitarvm comparatarum tomus tertius

Varying form of title

Plutarchi vitae comparatae Alexandri & C. Ivlii Caesaris

Varying form of title

In Plutarchi vitas comparatas index rerum

Varying form of title

Plvtarchi vitarvm comparatarvm appendix

Varying form of title

Plutarchi vitarum comparatarum appendix

Publication, distribution, etc.

s.l : s.n, [1561?].

Physical description

4v ; 8vo.


In four volumes (COPAC entry for Heythrop copy only lists 3 vols.).


Complete lack of imprint details: no title pages with imprint (missing?), no colophons with imprint. The date of printing suggested by Heythrop cataloguer.


Vol.II has title page (which is the first page in the book, with sign. AAi, followed by numbered page 3, with sign. AAii). Title on title page (page [1]): "Plvtarchi vitarvm comparatarum tomus secundus". Dedication begins on page 3: "Reverendissimo in Christo patri ac domino, D.Ioanni, archiepiscopo Treuerensi, sacri Romani imperij per Gallia & regnum Arelatense archicancellario, & principi Electori, domino suo clementissimo Hermannus Cruserius S.P.D". Text begins on page 6: "Plvtarchi vitae comparatae, Artistidis et M. Catonis Maioris, Hermano Crvserio I.C. interprete".


Each volume has separate pagination and signatures: Vol. I - 16, 506p; Vol.II - 552p; Vol.III - 621, [3], [129], [1]p., where: 621 numbered pages of main text, 3 unnumbered blank pages, 129 unnumbered pages of index and 1 final unnumbered blank page. Vol. IV - 467, [1]p.


Vol. III has title page (which is the first page in the book, with sign. AAA.j., followed by numbered page 3, with sign. AAA.ij.). Title on title page (page [1]): "Plvtarchi vitarvm comparatarum tomus tertius". Dedication begins on page 3: "Serenissimo ac potentissimo principi ac domino, D.Philippo, regi Hispaniarum, vtriusque Siciliae, Neapolis, Hierusalem, & c. domino suo clementis. Hermannus Cruserius S.P.D.". Text begins on page 6: "Plvtarchi vitae comparatae Alexandri & C. Ivlii Caesaris, Hermanno Crvserio I.C. interprete".


This is a translation from Greek into Latin.


Interpretor's name from title-page"Hermanno Cruserio", or "Hermannus Cruserius".


Vol. III includes 129 pages of index: "In Plutarchi vitas comparatas Index rerum & verborum memorabilium..." at the end of the book.


Bookplate of John Reynolds, recording donation to Eton College in 1751.


17th? century brown calf; double gold fillet to form a border; four raised bands; gold spine title.


Greece Biography Early works to 1800.


Rome Biography Early works to 1800.

Added entry--name

Added entry--name


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