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Fe.7.25-Fe.7.27, Fa.8.19

Additional shelfmark

[Continuation shelfmark:] Fa.8.19


Varii historiæ Romanae scriptores, partim Græci, partim Latini, in vnum velut corpus redacti, de rebus gestis ab vrbe condita, vsque ad imperii Constantinopolin translati tempora. : Nomina eorum quos habes his autorum, proximè sequentes paginæ te docebunt..

Varying form of title

Varii historiae Romanae scriptores, partim Graeci, partim Latini

Publication, distribution, etc.

[Geneva] : Excudebat Henricus Stephanus., Anno M.D.LXVIII [1568].

Physical description

4 v. ([104], 832, [66] ; 714 [i.e. 614], [2], 491, [5] ; 497-1407, [1] ; 1409-2048, [212], 68 p.) ; 17 cm. (8vo)


In v. 2 pt. 1, the text is in Greek, with commentary and notes in Latin; v. 2 pt. 2 contains the Latin translation; v. 1, 3 and 4 are in Latin, with references and quotations in Greek.


In vol 1 pp. [833-34] and [895-98] are blank; in vol 2, pp. [615-6] in part 1 and pp. [493-96] in part 2 are blank.


Pagination continuous between vols 3 and 4; variant state of vol 2 exists in which p. 614 is correctly numbered (see Adams, S785).


With a woodcut printer's device on the title page; depicts an olive tree with falling branches and a male figure standing beside it (with motto: "Noli altem sapere"); a version of the device used by the Estienne family.


Titles of contents from special title pages or caption titles; Greek titles Romanised.


Year precedes name in imprint.

Formatted contents note

Contents: v. 1. Caroli Sigonii ... Fasti consulares ac triumphi acti, a Romulo rege usque ad Ti. Caesarem -- Caroli Signonii In commentarium fastorum et triumphorum Romanorum -- Caroli Sigonii De nominibus Romanorum liber -- C. Velleii Paterculi Historiae Romanae ad M. Vinicium Cos. libri duo -- Index -- v. 2. Epitomē tēs Diōnos tou Nikaeōs Rōmaikēs historias -- Hērōdianou Tēs meta Markon basileias historiōn biblia oktō -- Ex Dione Nicaeo excerptae & in epitomes forma[m] redactae vitae Pompeii Magni & Caesarum, usque ad Alexandrum Ma[m]aeae filium, per Ioannem Xiphilinum -- Herodiani historiae de imperio post Marcum -- v. 3. C. Suetonii Tranquilli XII Caesares -- v. 4. Ammiani Marcellini Gestarum rerum liber decimusquartus [-trigesimus primus] -- Eutropij V.C. Historiae Romanae libri decem -- Ioannis Baptistae Egnatij Veneti, in C. Suetonium Tranquillum annotationes -- Ioannis Baptistae Egnatij Veneti In Aelium Spartianum, Lampridium & caeteros annotationes -- Annotata in C. Suet. Tranquillum -- Erasmus Rot. cādido lectori -- Index -- D. Magni Ausonij Burdigalensis ... Carmina monosticha de XII Caesaribus, quorum vitae à Suetonio Tranquillo conscriptae sunt -- Eiusdem Ausonij Carmina tetrasticha.

Citation/references note

Adams, S784

Citation/references note

Renouard, A. Estienne, p.131-132


[All volumes:] Booklabel of John Reynolds, recording donation to Eton College in 1751.


[Fa.8.19:] Ms. curatorial note on flyleaf of vol 2: "For remainder of set shelved Fe.7.25-27 (not uniform)".


[Fe.7.25:] Ms. inscription at head of title-leaf "G.B. June 23.77" with ?coded price.


[Fe.7.25-Fe.7.27:] 18th-century brown calf binding; blind-tooled corner ornaments; blind double fillet borders; four raised bands; red morocco spine-labels lettered in gilt "Romanæ / Historiæ / Scriptores / Vol. I. [-III.]".


[Fa.8.19:] 18th? century quarter brown sheep binding; blue paper covered boards; four raised bands; black spine-label in first compartment lettered in gilt "Dion Nicæus".

Copy-specific note

[Fe.7.25-Fe.7.27:] Previously Fd.7.21-Fd.7.23.

Copy-specific note

[Fa.8.19:] Previously Fd.6.22.

Added entry--name

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Added entry--name

Added entry--title

Scriptores historiae Augustae. 1568

Added entry--place

Switzerland Geneva.

Language code

grc lat grc


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