Entre la ploma i el fusell : cinc escriptors britànics davant la guerra civil espanyola / per Miquel Berga i Bagué; pròleg d'Agusti Bartra.
La mata de jonc
Barcelona : Curial, 1981.
154, [2]p ; 18cm.
(La mata de jonc 16)
With a series title-page.
Includes bibliography.
Publisher's blue, orange, black, and white printed paperback binding.
Loose ms. letter (dated 2003-04-25) to Michael Meredith from Dr J. L. Gonzáles-Medina explaining the donation of this book, and shelfmark Lg.5.23, to ECL by the author.
Sprigg, C. St. John, 1907 - 1937 (Christopher St. John)
Spain History Civil War, 1936-1939.
Meredith, Michael, 1936 - ? Recipient.
González Medina, José Luis Correspondant.
Spain Barcelona.