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Sa2.6.18 - Sa2.6.19

Additional shelfmark

[Another copy]: Sa2.6.20 - Sa2.6.21


Uniform title

[Works. 1488]


Herodotou Halikarnaseos sic exegesis peri tes tou Homerou genesios kai Biotes.

Varying form of title

Bernardus Nerlius Petro Medicae Laurentii filio .s

Varying form of title

Ploutarchou eis ton bion tou Homerou

Varying form of title

Iliados a Homerou rapsodias

Varying form of title

Odysseias a Homerou rapsodias

Varying form of title

Homerou Batrachomyomachia

Varying form of title

Homerou Ymnoi. Eis Apollona

Varying form of title

Homeri Ilias editio princeps

Publication, distribution, etc.

Florentiae : [Bernardus Nerlius, Nerius Nerlius and Demetrius Damilas], 9 Dec. 1488 (i.e. not before 13 Jan. 1488/89)].

Physical description

2 v. ; 35cm. (Fo.)


Edited by Demetrius Chalcondyles. BM has Giovanni Acciaiuoli as co-editor.


Initial spaces.


Text in Greek, fol. 1 recto in Latin.


Title from fol. 3 recto, transliterated from the Greek.


Begin [fol. 1 recto:] "Bernardus Nerlius Petro Medicae Laurentii filio .s. | Vm doctissimorum hominum & horum grauissimorum sententia: gr[ae]cas litteras non solum latinis plurimum ornamenti affere: Sed etiam pernecessarias esse animaduerterem: omni studio ac labore ad b[ae]c studia percipienda me conuerti. ...". First leaf is lacking, this information is taken from Chetham's Library catalogue.


Fol. 9 recto: "Ploutarchou eis ton bion tou Homerou. ...".


Fol. 43 recto: "Iliados a Homerou rapsodias. ...".


Fol. 251 recto: "Odysseias a Homerou rapsodias. ...".


Fol. 412 recto: "Homerou Batrachomyomachia. ...".


Fol. 416 recto: "Homerou Ymnoi. Eis Apollona. ...".


Imprint from colophon [vol. 2]: "... analomasi Bernardou kai Neriou Tanaidos tou Neriliou pono [sic] de Demetriou Mediolaneos kretos: en Phlorentia [sic], menos dekembriou enate [sic] ...".


On the press see Ridolfi. BMC assigned to the Nerlii, and Proctor to Bartolommeo Di Libri, who Ridolfi argues only printed the dedication. The date derives from the dedication; the Greek text has a colophon (f.439v) dated 9 Dec. 1488 (ISTC).


Without foliation; vol. 1 has [234] leaves, vol. 2 has [198] leaves.


Signatures: A-D8, E10 (E10 blank), A-Z8, ET8, a8, [rum]8; AA-ZZ8, FTET6 (FTET6 blank).


Dedicatory letter [fol. 1 recto] dated: "Florentiae Idibus Ianuariis .M.CCCC.LXXXVIII." [i.e. 13 Jan. 1488/89].


39 lines to a page.

Citation/references note

ISTC ih00300000; Goff H300; HCR 8772; Bod-inc H-136; Sheppard 5235, 5236; Proctor 6194; Oates 2348, 2349, 2350, 2351, 2352; GW 12895; Hain, 8772; BM 15th cent., VI.678; BM STC Italian, 1465-1600, p. 330; Hain-Copinger-Reichling, 8772

Additional physical form available

Microfiche: Primary Source Microfilm (an imprint of Cengage Learning), 2001 & 2005. Incunabula: the Printing Revolution in Europe 1455-1500. Unit 45 - Printing in Greek, GK 47; Unit 71 - Printing in Florence Part I, FL 49. Copy: London BL, IB.27657c.


[Sa2.6.19 - Sa2.6.20]: Bookplate of Eton College School Library.


[Sa2.6.19 - Sa2.6.20]: 20th century bookplate dated 1684 recording donation by John Newborough, Head Master 1693-1713 and ms. inscription recording the same in vol. 2.


[Sa2.6.21 - Sa2.6.22]: Storer bequest booklabel dated 1800 in vol. II; bequeathed to Eton by Anthony Morris Storer in 1799.


[Sa2.6.19 - Sa2.6.20]: 20th? century binding by Spottiswood & co; brown calf; two blind fillets to form a border; five raised bands; spine title: "Homeri Ilias editio princeps. 1488".


[Sa2.6.21 - Sa2.6.22]: 18th century crimson straight grained morocco; blind tooled panels with some gold tooled fillet work; gold tooled zig-zag roll on the square; marbled endpapers; gild edges; five raised bands; spine title: "Homeri opera editio princeps Florentiae 1488".

Copy-specific note

[Sa2.6.19 - Sa2.6.20]: Ms. annotations throughout text and an inserted page of ms. notes in vol. 1.

Copy-specific note

[Sa2.6.21 - Sa2.6.22]: Previously: Ddf.4.13, Ba.2.1 and Cb.1.2.7(a).

Copy-specific note

[Sa2.6.21 - Sa2.6.22]: Pencil note on flyleaf: Lacks blank ff. 42 + 440.

Copy-specific note

[Sa2.6.21 - Sa2.6.22]: Pages with red rules to form a border.



Classical literature.


Epic poetry, Greek Early works to 1800.


Greek literature Early works to 1800.


Greek poetry Early works to 1800.


Mythology, Greek Early works to 1800.

Added entry--name

Demetrius, fl. 1476 - 1488 of Crete, printer.

Added entry--name

Nerli, Bernardo printer.

Added entry--name

Nerli, Nerio printer.

Added entry--name

Added entry--name

Added entry--name

Added entry--name

Added entry--name

Added entry--name

Added entry--name

Added entry--place

Italy Florence.


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