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Joannes Actuarius,


Aktouariou Peri energeion kai pathon tou psychikou pneumatos, kai tes kat'auto diaites, logoi 2. Actuarij De actionibus & affectibus spiritus animalis, eiúsque victu, libri II. / Nunc primum in lucem prodeunt, Iac. Goupyli beneficio, qui nobis eorum exemplum dedit.

Varying form of title

Portion of title: De actionibus & affectibus spiritus animalis

Varying form of title

Parallel title: Actuarij De actionibus & affectibus spiritus animalis

Varying form of title

Portion of title: Peri energeion kai pathon tou psychikou pneumatos

Publication, distribution, etc.

Parisiis, : Apud Martinum Iuuenem, sub insigni D. Christophori, è regione gymnasij Cameracensium., 1557.

Physical description

[8], 151, [1] p. ; 8vo.


Pages [7]-[8] blank.


Printer's device on t.p.; marginal notes.


First fourteen words of title are in Greek script.

Citation/references note

Adams A135


Two armorial bookplates of Eton College, with different designs.


English 16th century limp parchment binding; green morocco spine label with gold tooled letters; yapped edges; two loose sheets of binders' waste at rear.

Copy-specific note

Binders' waste at rear includes t.p. to "A compendious forme of prayer, for the whole estate of Christes Church, necessarye to be used of all estates at tyme convenient. Newely collected and set forth, in the yeare of our Lorde. 1565. Seene and allowed according to the order appointed in the Quenes Maiesties Iniunctions. -- Imprinted at London : for Henry Sanderson by Richard Serll, dwellyng in Flete lane at the Sygne of the halfe egle and the key." ESTC S94774. Stubs are from a Latin service book with rubrics and historiated initials.


Health Early works to 1800

Added entry--name

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France Paris


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