MS 438
Shane Leslie archive, 1876-1977 (bulk 1900-1965).
Publication, distribution, etc.
Physical description
3.83 linear metres (8 boxes, 10 volumes).
Organization and arrangement of materials
Organised into four series: I. Eton Papers, 1876-[1977]. II. King's College, Cambridge Papers, 1904-1970. III. Sir Cecil Spring-Rice and Related Papers, 1915-1962. IV. Other Shane Leslie Papers, 1902-1973.
Correspondence, writings, printed material, photographs and other material that document aspects of Shane Leslie's literary and political pursuits, particularly those related to Eton College or other Old Etonians.
Series I, Eton Papers, contains papers relating to The Oppidan, the purchase of the Marianne Hunt bust of Shelley for the College, as well as miscellaneous Eton papers. An incomplete typescript draft of The Oppidan, heavily annotated by Leslie, is accompanied by letters written by Old Etonians sharing their memories of Eton and a black and white silent film of the novel made in 1939 by Eton boys. The Shelley Bust correspondence includes letters from Edmund Blunden, Marshall Field, and A. S. W. Rosenbach, and his miscellaneous Eton papers include letters written by Alexander of Tunis, Hugh Macnaghten, A. C. Rayner-Wood, Sir A. M. Carr-Saunders, Harold Vincent Charrington, John Gordon Dill, Anselm Guise, Sir Hughe Knatchbull-Hugessen, Harry Streatfield, Henry Edward Verey, A. B. Ramsay, Claude Elliott, Blanche Warre-Cornish, Grizel Hartley, Marjorie Madan, and Clare Frewen Sheridan, in addition to four ALS written by M. R. James to Gwyndolen McBryde.
Series II, King's College, Cambridge Papers contains correspondence from his time at King's, including many letters about rowing, others written by friends during the First World War, and others about the controversial book The Cantab. Correspondents include Charles Cary-Elwes, John Conybeare, John S. Herbert, Buthbert Lyons Buckle, Donald Corrie, and Wilfrid Meynell. An incomplete typescript draft of The Cantab is present, as well as photographs of King's College rowing, and four photos of a production of 'Eumenides'.
Series III, Sir Cecil Spring-Rice and Related Papers, contains 21 letters from Spring-Rice and 29 drafts of letters from Leslie to Spring-Rice recording their efforts to sway Irish-Americans to the British side during World War I. Also present is Leslie's corrected typescript of extracts from his diearies 1916-1917.
Series IV, Other Shane Leslie Papers, contains correspondence, writings, printed material and other papers. There is an incomplete typescript draft of The Anglo-Catholic, and a holograph draft of the beginning of Long Shadows, letters from Vyvyan Holland, Ronald Knox, Martin Secker and notes about M. R. James. There are no letters to or from Winston Churchill, Leslie's first cousin, in the collection.
Biographical note: Shane Leslie, writer, Catholic intellectual, and Old Etonian, first cousin of Winston Churchill. Leslie attended Eton College and King's College, Cambridge, later writing loosely about them in The Oppidan and The Cantab. During the First World War, he promoted the British cause to Irish-Americans, working unofficially for British Ambassador Sir Cecil Spring-Rice. He wrote and edited many books, short stories and articles, including three autobiographies: The End of a Chapter, The Film of Memory and Long Shadows.
Cite as
Shane Leslie Archive. Eton College Library.
Finding aid available.
World War, 1914-1918
Authors, British 20th century Archives
Great Britain Foreign relations
Ireland Foreign relations
United States Foreign relations 1913-1921
United States Foreign relations Great Britain
Motion pictures (visual work)
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Ramsay, A. B., 1872 - 1955 (Allen Beville),
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Rosenbach, A. S. W., 1876 - 1952 (Abraham Simon Wolf),
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Madan, Geoffrey Mrs.
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