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Fd.2.06 - Fd.2.07


Collective uniform title

Works. 1616.


M. Tullii Ciceronis Opera omnia quae exstant, in sectiones, apparatui latinae locutionis respondentes, distincta, & à Dionysio Lambino ex codicibus manuscriptis emendata. Eiusdem D. Lambini, & D. Gothofredi I.C. annotationibus ad marginem adiectis: in quibus variæ lectiones propè infinitæ, Ciceronis loca præcipua & difficiliora, inter se primò: aliis deinde authoribus grammaticis, rhetoribus, poëtis, historicis, iurisconsultis maximè collata: vt & formulæ quæ ad ius, leges, senatus consulta & actiones pertinent, explicatæ: cum rerum & verborum indicibus copiosissimis.

Varying form of title

Portion of title: Opera omnia quae exstant

Publication, distribution, etc.

Coloniæ Allobrogum, : Apud Petrum de la Rouiere, M DC XVI. [1616]

Physical description

4 v. ([24], 306, [50]; 679, [141]; 452, [88]; 515, [116] ; Fo.


Title printed in red and black.


Each volume has its own t.p. The first and fourth volume t.p. bear woodcut printer's device; second volume a woodcut architectural frame; third volume a cartouche of figures playing musical instruments.


Woodcut headpieces; initials; printed marginalia; pilcrows.


Includes indexes.


Last volume has colophon within woodcut tailpiece: "Apud Petrum de la Rouiere XI. Iunij, Anno M DC XVI".


Booklabel of John Reynolds, recording donation to Eton College in 1751.


Contemporary brown sprinkled calf; blind tooled double fillet border; gold tooled single fillet along board edges; blind tooled double fillet on spine; red morocco spine label with gold tooled letters and triple fillet border; small mend with vellum on head of 1st vol.; six sewn bands; 15th century legal documents used as stubbs in both volumes.

Copy-specific note

Previous shelfmark: Fe.1.2-3.

Copy-specific note

Bound in two volumes.


Added entry--name

Added entry--name

Added entry--name

Added entry--name

Added entry--place

Germany Cologne


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