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Eusebius, ca. 260 - ca. 340 of Caesarea, Bishop of Caesarea,

Uniform title

[Ecclesiastical history. 1544]


Ekklēsiastikēs historias Eusebiou tou Pamphilou Episkopou Kaisareias tēs Palaistinēs biblia 10. Tou autou eis ton bion tou makariou Kōnstantinou Basileōs logoi 5. Sōkratis Scholastikou biblia 7. Theodōritou Episkopou Kyrou biblia 5. Eklogōn apo tēs ekklēsiastikēs historias Theodōrou biblia 2. Hermeiou Sōzomenou Salameniou biblia 9. Euagriou Scholastikou ekklēsiastikēs historias biblia 6. Ecclesiasticae historiae Eusebii Pamphili lib. X. Eiusdem de vita Constantini lib. V. Socratis lib. VII. Theodoriti episcopi Cyrensis lib. V. Collectaneorum ex historia eccles. Theodori lectoris lib. II. Hermii Sozomeni lib. IX. Euagrii lib. VI..

Varying form of title

Parallel title: Ecclesiasticae historiae Eusebii Pamphili Lib. X.

Varying form of title

Ekklesiastikes historias Eusebio tou Pamphiloi Episkopou Kaisareias

Publication, distribution, etc.

Lutetiae Parisiorum. : Ex officina Roberti Stephani typographi regii, regiis typis., M.D.XLIIII. [1544]

Physical description

[4], 116, [1], 117-353 [i.e. 360], 181, [5] leaves ; 35 cm. (fol.)


Parallel title, imprint and colophon in Latin; text in Greek only.


First part of the title has been transliterated from the Greek.


Numerous errors in foliation.


"Pinas tōn ennea logōn tēs ekklēsiastikēs historias, Hermeiou Sōzomenou tou Salaminiou, synthesis para Nikēphorou Kallistou tou Xanthopoulou" (caption title, transliterated from Greek) begins new pagination and register.


Signatures: 2*⁴ A-X⁸ (P5 blank) Y-3E⁶ 3F⁸ 3G⁶, ²2A-3H⁶.


Printed in Claude Garamond's "Grec du roi" type (second size) with decorations and initials designed by Geoffroy Tory.


Colophon (verso of penultimate leaf) reads: 'Excudebat Robertus Stephanus typographus regius Lutetiae Parisiorum anno M.D.XLIIII. pridie cal. Iul.'


Woodcut printer's device, Grecs du roi device (snake on vine) on title-page; woodcut printer's device (variant) on verso of final leaf (olive tree with motto "Noli altum sapere").


Recto of final leaf contains errata.


Woodcut head-piece, initials.

Citation/references note

Schreiber, F. The Estiennes, 77

Citation/references note

Renouard, A.A. Annales de l'imprimerie des Estienne, 59, no.11

Citation/references note

Adams, E1093


Purchased 1596/7 for 40s. with Estienne's editions of Eusebius, Euangelikēs proparaskeuēs bib. pentekaideka, 1544 and Euangelikēs apodeixeōs biblia deka, 1545 [i.e. 1546] bound in one volume (Audit accounts; see also Birley, Notes on bindings in College Library I, 18).


Engraved armorial bookplate of Eton College on title-page verso.


Late 16th-century brown calf binding; outer and inner borders formed of blind triple fillets joined at corners; inner frame composed of a single roll with compartments containing medallions with profile heads and renaissance ornaments; silver-tooled armorial stamp of Eton College on both covers; brass clasps on front cover; chain holes; six raised bands; ms. parchment guards; spine decoration formed of blind fillets with diapering at head and tail. See Oldham "English blind-stamped bindings", HMa. 14, no. 783, for roll.

Copy-specific note

Previously Al.4.10.


Church history Primitive and early church, ca. 30-600 Sources.

Added entry--name

Added entry--name

Added entry--name

Added entry--name

Theodore Lector, Ecclesiastical history.

Added entry--name

Theodoret Bishop of Cyrrhus. Philotheos historia.

Added entry--name

Sozomen, ca. 400 - ca. 450 Ekklesiastike historia.

Added entry--name

Socrates Scholasticus, Ecclesiastical history.

Added entry--name

Evagrius, Ponticus, 345? - 399 Scholasticus, Ecclesiastical history.

Added entry--place

France Paris.

Language code



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