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Irenaeus Saint, Bishop of Lyon.

Uniform title

[Adversus haereses. Latin]


Diui Irenaei, Graeci scriptoris eruditissimi, Episcopi Lugdunensis, Libri quinque aduersus portentosas hæreses Valentini & aliorum, accuratius quàm antehac emendati, additis Græcis quae reperiri potuerunt: opera & diligentia Nicolai Gallasii, s. theologiae professoris: vna cum eiusdem annotationibus. Additus est etiam index locupletissimus. Reliqua sequens pagina indicabit..

Varying form of title

Portion of title: Libri quinque aduersus portentosas hæreses Valentini & aliorum

Varying form of title

Divi Irenaei, Graeci scriptoris eruditissimi, Episcopi Lugdunensis, Libri quinque aduersus portentosas haereses Valentini & aliorum

Varying form of title

Divi Irenaei, Graeci scriptoris eruditissimi, Episcopi Lugdunensis, Libri quinque adversus portentosas haereses Valentini & aliorum

Publication, distribution, etc.

[Paris] : Apud Ioannem le Preux, & Ioanne[m] Paruum., M.D.LXX. [1570]

Physical description

[20], 408, [24] p. ; fol.


Book 1 is mostly printed on alternate pages with the Greek text and Latin translation (in parallel columns) of Epiphanius's "Panarion".


Signatures: *⁴ 2*⁶ A-2N⁶ (2N6 blank).


Place of publication from Adams (I157).


Woodcut ornament at head of title page, head- and tail-pieces, initials, printed marginalia.

Citation/references note

Adams, I157


Purchased 1597/8 for £0.4.0. (See ECL card catalogue; see also Birley, Notes on bindings in College Library I, 18.)


Engraved armorial bookplate of Eton College on title-page verso.


Late 16th-century brown calf binding; outer and inner borders formed of three blind fillets joined at corners; inner frame composed of a single roll with compartments containing medallions with profile heads and renaissance ornaments; silver-tooled armorial stamp of Eton College on both covers; remains of brass clasps on front cover; chain holes; six raised bands; plain parchment guards; spine decoration formed of blind fillets with diapering at head and tail; brown morocco spine-label; ms. fore-edge title "Irenæus". See Oldham "English blind-stamped bindings", HMa. 14, no. 783, for roll.

Copy-specific note

Loosely inserted note of Greek ligatures on 19th/20th-century paper.

Copy-specific note

Previously Al.4.05.


Theology Early works to 1800.


Tradition (Theology) Early works to 1800.


Authority Religious aspects Early works to 1800.


Gnosticism Early works to 1800.


Heresies and heretics Early church, ca. 30-600 Sources Early works to 1800.

Added entry--name

Added entry--name

Added entry--name

Added entry--name

Epiphanius Saint, Bishop of Constantia in Cyprus, Panarion. Latin & Greek.

Added entry--place

France Paris.

Language code

lat grc grc


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