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Orthodoxographa theologiae sacrosanctæ ac syncerioris fidei doctores numero LXXVI, Ecclesiae columina luminaq[ue] clarissima, autores partim Græci, partim Latini, ob uetustatem & eruditione[m] uenerandi, quoru[m] quidam nulli hactenus uisi: uerbis breues, diuini uerò Spiritus doctrina multoru[m] scriptorum quantu[m]uis prolixa uolumina supera[n]tes, ut uerè possint appellari Theologica Bibliotheca, abundè satis sufficiens Theologo in omnem usum futura, sive Biblia utriusq[ue] instrumenti libros interpretari, siue hæreses co[n]uellere, discordiæ, religionis pesti, mederi, concordiam in Domino, ecclesiæ salutem, alere & ueram religione[m] (cuius finis charitas est) docere uelit. Vtinam hæc legant, cognosca[n]t & sequantur, quicunq[ue] in his periculosissimis temporibus ecclesiastico funguntur ministerio..

Varying form of title

Orthodoxographa theologiae sacrosanctae

Publication, distribution, etc.

Basileae. : Per Henrichum Petri, mense Martio, anno M.D.LV. [1555]

Physical description

[40], 1522, [2] p. ; 31 cm. (fol.)


Text mainly in Latin, with Greek texts with parallel Latin translations


Edited by Joannes Heroldt.


Imprint and date from colophon: "Basileae, per Henrichum Petri, mense Martio, anno M.D.LV."


Woodcut printer's device on title-page and on verso of final leaf. Woodcut historiated initials.


At foot of printer's device: Nomina scriptorum uersa pagina ostendent. & quid quis[que] tractarit, in quo'ue argumento elaborarit, post præfationem inuenies.


An enlarged edition of the Micropresbytikon of 1550.


Booklabel of John Reynolds, recording donation to Eton College in 1751.


Ms. ownership inscription on title-page: "John Hunt" with motto at foot of imprint ?"Sit mens[es?] annexe honeste sub de re le le" and ?library shelfmark "GG".


17th-century brown calf binding; two gold fillets to form a border with inner corner fleurons; blind-tooled rolls to form an inner frame with outer corner fleurons; five raised bands; traces of spine-label.

Copy-specific note

Previously Fa.3.10.


Theology Collected works Early works to 1800.

Added entry--name

Added entry--name

Added entry--place

Switzerland Basel

Language code

latgrc grc


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