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Main entry--meeting name

Council of Ephesus (431 : Ephesus)


Ta praktika tēs oikoumenikēs tritēs synodou tēs en Ephesō synkrotētheisēs ex thespismatos tōn autokratorōn basileōn Theodosiou kai Oualentinianou kata Nestoriou tou hairetikou. = Acta oecumenicae tertiae synodi Ephesi habitæ ex sanctione Augg. Impp. Theodosij & Valentiniani, aduersus Nestorium hæreticum: Græce nunc primum e Reuchlinianæ Bibliothecæ exemplari peruetusto fideliter expressa. Additus in fine præter Græcum indicem capitum, index Latinus scriptorum quae passim allegantur. Adhæc diuersa locorum lectio & emendationum coniecturæ..

Varying form of title

Parallel title: Acta oecumenicae tertiae synodi Ephesi habitae ex sanctione Augg. Impp. Theodosii & Valentiniani, aduersus Nestorium haereticum

Varying form of title

Acta oecvmenicae tertiae synodi Ephesi habitae ex sanctione Augg. Impp. Theodosii et Valentiniani, adversus Nestorum haereticum

Publication, distribution, etc.

Heidelbergae, : E typographeio Hieronymi Commelini,, M D XCI. [1591]

Physical description

[8], 319, [21] p. ; 35 cm. (fol.)


Parallel title and preliminaries in Latin; text in Greek only.


First part of title transliterated from the Greek.


Edited by Hieronymus Commelinus.


Signatures: (:)⁴ A-Z⁶ Aa-Cc⁶ Dd-Ee⁴ Ff⁶.


Woodcut printer's device on title page.


Another issue (Adams, E210) omits the place of publication from the title-page imprint.


Head- and tail-pieces, initials, marginal notes.

Citation/references note

Adams, E211


Volume purchased 1598 for £0.6.8. (Audit accounts; see also Birley, Notes on bindings in College Library I, 18).


Engraved bookplate of Eton College on title-page verso.


16th-century brown calf binding; outer and inner borders formed of three blind fillets joined at corners; inner frame composed of a single roll with compartments containing medallions with profile heads and renaissance ornaments; silver-tooled armorial stamp of Eton College on both covers; two brass clasps on front cover with remains of leather straps; chain holes; six raised bands; ms. parchment guards; spine decoration formed of blind fillets with diapering at head and tail. See Oldham "English blind-stamped bindings", HMa. 14, no. 783, for roll.

Copy-specific note

Previously: Dg.1.08, Am.6.08, Fc.2.01.


Nestorius,, active 428 - ? Patriarch of Constantinople,



Heresy Early works to 1800.

Added entry--name

Added entry--name

Added entry--place

Germany Heidelberg.

Language code

grc lat


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