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Collective uniform title

Works. Selections. 1556


M. Tul. Ciceronis De officiis lib. III. Cum copiosissimis viri longè doctissimi commentariis, & cum Viti Amerbachij commentariolis, annotationibus Erasmi Roter. Philippi Melanch. & disquisitionibus aliquot Cælij Calcagnini. Eiusdem, De senectute, De amicitia, dialogi singuli com commentariis longè vtilissimis, Paradoxa cum triplici commentario, & Somnium Scipionis cum annotationibus Erasmi, Bartholomæi Latomi, & prælectionibus Petri Rami. Hæc omnia, summa fide ac diligentia ex collatione vetustissimorum codicum sunt à Petro Balduino Sampolino integritati restituta, quod ex eius in aliquot loca annotationibus lector deprehendet, in calce libri additis..

Varying form of title

De officiis lib. III

Publication, distribution, etc.

Parisiis, : Apud Odoënum Paruum, via ad D. Iacobum, sub signo floris lilij., 1556..

Physical description

5 pts. in 1 v. ([4], 180; 54; 46; 34; 33, [1] leaves, [1] folded leaf of plates) : geneal. tables ; 21 cm. (4to)


Colophon, pt. 1: Parisiis, excudebat Simon Caluarinus. 1556.


Each subsequent part has special, dated title-page.


Printer's device on title-pages.


Signatures: De officiis, ã⁴ a-z⁴ A-Y⁴; De senectute, A-M⁴ N⁶; De amicitia, A-K⁴ L⁶; Paradoxa, A-G⁴ H⁶; Somnium Scipionis, A-G⁴ H⁶ (H6 blank).


Printed marginalia; initials; head-pieces.

Citation/references note

Adams, C1760


Booklabel of John Reynolds, recording donation to Eton College in 1751.


Ms. ownership inscription on title-page: Edouard Molin.


Ms. inscription on verso of prelim. leaf [4] of De officiis, addressed to "Hallet" and signed Thomas Clement: "See you prooue yo[ur] self noe traytor hereafter; and bee sure that you shall shortly bee compeld to pay for and repent for what you have done though yo[ur] guiltinesse hath now made you fugitive to run from, Yo[ur] form[er] friend, Tho: Clement".


17th-century sprinkled brown sheep binding; two blind fillets to form a border and spine decoration; four raised bands; red morocco spine-label; printer's waste flyleaves and guards (sig. A2-3 of a Latin-English dictionary).

Copy-specific note

This copy bound with pt. 2 following pt. 3, and pt. 4 following pt. 5, and lacking the folded leaf of plates.

Copy-specific note

Ms. marginalia in Latin and English.

Copy-specific note

Previously Fl.4.16.


Philosophy, Ancient Early works to 1800.

Added entry--name

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Added entry--place

France Paris.

Language code



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