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Ff.8.16 - Ff.8.17

Main entry--uniform title

Panegyrici Latini


XIV. panegyrici veteres ad antiquam, qua editionem; quà scripturam infinitis locis emendati, aucti. Antea quidem ope Ioan. M. Catanaei. Fr. Balduini. Herman. Rayani. Ioann. Livineii. Iusti Lipsii. Nunc vero opera Iani Gruteri. Præter quorum commentarios & notas accedunt, etiam coniecturæ Valent. Acidalii et Conr. Rittershusii. Ad duodecim panegyricos priores. Ad duos autem posteriores. Eliae Vineti. Andreae Schotti. Joseph. Scaligeri. Et Iac. Sirmondi Societ. Iesu PP. notæ & emendationes. Postremo accedunt notæ antea non editæ P. Fabri Santoriani. Franc. Iureti. Claud. Puteani. Theod. Pulmanni. Et Ant. Schonovium. Prima[-secunda] pars.

Varying form of title

Quattuordecim panegyrici veteres

Publication, distribution, etc.

Parisiis, : Apud Claudium Le Beau, viâ Iacobæâ, sub signo Boni Pastoris, prope ecclesiam D. Benedicti., M. DC. XLIII. [1643]

Physical description

2 v. ([8], 731, [1]; [12], 820, [2] p.) ; 13 cm. (12mo)


Added engraved title-pages reading "XIV panegyrici veteres cum notis varioru[m]. Tom. I.[-II.]".


Booklabel of John Reynolds, recording donation to Eton College in 1751.


Ms. inscription on vol 2 front free-endpaper "T. Almeloveen", i.e. Theodoor Jansson van Almeloveen (1657-1712), the classical scholar.


Additional ms. inscription on vol 2 front free-endpaper "Joh. Dedel".


Contemporary Dutch vellum laced case binding, laced at head and tail and three sewing supports; yapp edges; ms. spine-titles.

Copy-specific note

Ms. annotation in a ?Dutch hand on final endpaper in vol 1; booksellers' prices in ink and pencil.

Copy-specific note

Previously: Fl.7.11-Fl.7.12, Ff.8.18-Ff.8.18.


Rhetoric Early works to 1800.


Oratory Early works to 1800.


Speeches, addresses, etc., Latin Early works to 1800.

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France Paris.

Language code



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