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Fg.1.04 - Fg.1.05


Ambrose Saint, Bishop of Milan,

Collective uniform title



Diui Ambrosij Mediolanensis episcopi opera. Sacræ Scripturæ contextum, ad faciliorem lectorum intelligentiam, ex ipsa sancti doctoris lectione, & ex LXX. interpretum, quos potissimùm sequitur, translatione erutum, complectentia. Quæ vitio vel incuria erant adiecta, sunt reiecta: quæ sublata, restituta: quæ transposita, reposita: quæ deprauata, emendata: omnia ad veterum manuscriptorum & emendatorum codicum excusorum fidem summa cura examinata, & aliorum Patrum lectione, pristinæ integritati ac puritati reddita. Librorum, & enarrationum catalogum, indicabit pagina quinta.

Varying form of title

Divi Ambrosii Mediolanensis episcopi opera

Varying form of title

Diui Ambrosii Mediolanensis episcopi opera

Varying form of title

Portion of title: Opera

Publication, distribution, etc.

Parisiis, : [Compagnie de la Grand' Navire], M. D. LXXXVI. [1586]

Physical description

5 pts. in 3 v. ([8] p., 1446 columns, [1] p.; [12] p., 1090 columns, [1] p.; [2] p., 1196 columns, [71] p.) ; 41 cm. (fol.)


Parts 3-4 have special title-pages reading "Diui Ambrosij Mediolanensi Episcopi, operum tomus tertius[-quartus]"; there is no special title-page for parts 2 and 5, which are continuous in register and column numbering from parts 1 and 4.


Part 2 begins on leaf H4 (first grouping); part 5 begins on leaf S4 (third grouping).


Part numbering in signature line: "S. Ambr. tom. 1[-4].", "Ambr. tom. 5."


Title-pages printed in red and black, with device of the Compagnie du Grand Navire; cf. Renouard, Marques typographiques parisiennes, 1928, nos. 822-826.


Part 1 has colophon reading "Parisiis. Excudebat Iamet Mettayer, in mathematicis typographus Regius. M.DLXXXIIII."; the privilege names Sebastien Nivelle and Michel Sonnius as the publishers.


Printed in double columns, numbered.


Initials; head-pieces.


Engraved armorial bookplate of Eton College.


Volume purchased 1596/7 for £0.40.0. (Audit accounts; see also Birley, Notes on bindings in College Library I, 18).


16th-century brown calf binding; outer and inner borders formed of blind triple fillets joined at corners; inner frame composed of a single roll with compartments containing medallions with profile heads and renaissance ornaments; silver-tooled armorial stamp of Eton College on both covers; traces of brass clasps on front cover; chain holes; six raised bands; spine decoration formed of blind fillets with diapering at head and tail; red morocco spine-labels; ms. fore-edge lettering "Ambrosij tom. 3" and "4. 5". See Oldham "English blind-stamped bindings", HMa. 14, no. 783, for roll.

Copy-specific note

ECL copy bound in 2 volumes.


Ambrose Saint, Bishop of Milan, Works. 1586.


Bible. Greek. Septuagint Criticism and commentary Early works to 1800.


Theology Early works to 1800.

Added entry--name

Added entry--name

Added entry--name

Added entry--name

Added entry--place

France Paris.

Language code



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