An addition vnto the vse of the instrument called the circles of proportion, for the working of nauticall questions. Together with certaine necessary considerations and advertisements touching navigation. All which, as also the former rules concerning this instrument are to bee wrought not onely instrumentally, but with the penne, by arithmeticke, and the canon of triangles. Hereunto is also annexed the excellent vse of two rulers for calculation. And is to follow after the 111 page of the first part.
Addition unto the use of the instrument called the circles of proportion, for the working of nauticall questions
London : Printed by Augustine Mathewes, 1633.
[2], 74, [4] p. : diagrams, tables ; 19 cm. (4to)
Head-pieces, initials.
Errata pages at end.
Signatures: A-I⁴ ²B⁴.
Includes woodcut tables and diagrams.
Issued with the various states of his: The circles of proportion and the horizontal instrument.
Anonymous. By William Oughtred.
ESTC, S105819
STC (2nd ed.), 18899c
Eton College Library book label.
Ms. inscription inside front cover: "d.d. E.L. Vaughan 1909".
Limp parchment binding; three single sewing supports; no endpapers; no endbands; circular ornament on front cover probably made by the owner.
ECL copy: errata pages wanting.
Bound with: "The circles of proportion and the horizontal instrument" and "To the English gentrie, and all others studious of the mathematicks, which shall bee readers hereof".
Navigation Early works to 1800.
Mathematical instruments Early works to 1800.
Matthewes, Augustine printer.
Vaughan, E. L. (Edward Littleton) (Edward Littleton), former owner.
England London.