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The folly and unreasonableness of atheism demonstrated from the advantage and pleasure of a religious life, the faculties of human souls, the structure of animate bodies, & the origin and frame of the world: in eight sermons, preached at the lecture founded by the Honourable Robert Boyle, Esquire; in the first year MDCXCII. By Richard Bentley, M.A. Chaplain to the Right Reverend Father in God, Edward, Lord Bishop of Worcester.

Publication, distribution, etc.

London, : Printed by J.H. for H. Mortlock at the Phœnix in St. Paul's Church-yard., 1693.

Physical description

[2], [4], 36; 39, [1]; 33, [1]; 36; 36; [2], 34; 40; 42 p. ; 21 cm. (4to)


The additional title-pages are variously dated 1692 and 1693.


Each part has separate dated title-page and pagination and was also issued separately; the contents of the copy catalogued are as follows: (1) "The folly of atheism, and (what is now called) deism; even with respect to the present life." (the 3rd edition); (2) "Matter and motion cannot think: or, a confutation of atheism from the faculties of the soul."; (3-5) "A confutation of atheism from the structure and origin of humane bodies. Part I. [-III]."; (6) "A confutation of atheism from the origin and frame of the world. Part I. [-III]."


Title-pages enclosed within double line border.

Citation/references note

Wing (2nd ed., 1994), B1930

Citation/references note

ESTC, R17518


Engraved armorial bookplate of Edward Waddington, recording donation to Eton College in 1731. Engraved armorial bookplate of Eton College.


Contemporary sprinkled brown calf; blind double fillet to form a border; blind triple fillet to form an inner frame with blind-tooled outer corner fleurons; leather spine label; four raised bands.

Copy-specific note

Previously Dn.3.06.


God Proof Early works to 1800.


Sermons, English 17th century.


Atheism Sermons Early works to 1800.


Atheism Early works to 1800.


Body, Human Religious aspects Christianity Early works to 1800.

Added entry--name

Mortlock, Henry publisher.

Added entry--name

Added entry--name

Added entry--place

England London.


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