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The vnion of the two noble and illustre famelies of Lancastre [and] Yorke, beyng long in continuall discension for the croune of this noble realme. With al the actes done in both the tymes of the princes, both of the one linage [and] of the other, beginnyng at the tyme o kyng Henry the fowerth, the first aucthor of this deuision, and so successiuely proceadi[n]g to ye reigne of the high and prudent prince kyng Henry the eyght, the indubitate flower and very heire of both the saied linages. Whereunto is added to euery kyng a seuerall table.

Varying form of title

Distinctive title: Union of the two noble and illustre families of Lancaster and York

Varying form of title

Union of the two noble and illustre famelies of Lancastre and Yorke

Varying form of title

Other title: Hall's Chronicle

Publication, distribution, etc.

[Imprynted at London : by Rychard Grafton, prynter to the Kynges Maiestye [and Steven Mierdman]], 1550.

Physical description

[4], xxxij, [2]; l, [2]; Cii, C.i-C.ii, [4]; Lxi, [5]; xxiiij; [1], xxxv, [2]; lxj, [5]; C.C.lxiij, [13] leaves ; 29 cm (Fo.).


By Edward Hall, whose name appears on [superscript pi] A2r.


Continued from 1532 by Richard Grafton from Hall's notes.


Printer's name from colophon, ⁵Z5v.


Contains: "The victorious actes of Kyng Henry the fifth", "The troubleous season of Kyng Henry the sixt", "The prosperous reigne of Kyng Edward the fourth", "The pitifull lyfe of Kyng Edwarde the fyft", "The tragicall doynges of Kynges [sic] Richard the thirde", "The politique gouernaunce of Kyng Henry. vii.", and "The triumphant reigne of Kyng Henry the. VIII.", given as caption titles. Each section begins new foliation on a1r, a1r, A1r, AA1r, aa1r, aaa1r, and a1r respectively.


Includes indexes to each section.


Signatures: [superscript pi]A⁴ A⁸ B-E⁶ F²; a-g⁶ h⁸ I²; ²a-q⁶ r⁸ s⁴; ³A-I⁶ K⁸ L⁴; 2A-2D⁶; 2a-2e⁶ 2f⁸; 3a-3i⁶ 3k⁸ 3l⁴; ⁴a-z⁶ ⁵A-Z⁶.


Leaves ²s4, ³L4, ³2f8, ³3k8, ³3l4 and ⁵Z6 are blank.


Woodcut initials; line numbers in roman numerals.

Citation/references note

ESTC, S120059

Citation/references note

STC (2nd ed.), 12723


Several 16th century inscriptions record ownership of Richard Newport, at head of leaves Henry VII, fol. xxxii recto, Henry VIII, fol. xlv recto, and Henry VIII fol. C.xiiij recto (dated 6 April 1565). This may be the Richard Newport of High Ercall, Shropshire (d. 1570). For the Newport ownership of this volume and proposed connections to William Shakespeare, see Alan Keen and Roger Lubbock, 'The Annotator: the pursuit of an Elizabethan reader of Halle's Chronicle involving some surmises about the early life of William Shakespeare' (Putnam, 1954).


Octagonal printed booklabel on front board: EEd. Possibly a case mark.


18th century half light brown calf; boards covered in blue and red nonpareil marbled paper; leather of spine and corners possibly 20th century; blind tooled double filled and fleur-de-lys stamp on spine; red sprinkled edges.

Copy-specific note

On long term loan to Eton College Library.

Copy-specific note

Imperfect copy: lacks preliminary leaves [superscript pi]A4, together with final leaves Y6 and Z[superscript 6]. Catalogued from ESTC record.

Copy-specific note

Leaf Aij of Henry IV is also lacking, and has been supplied by a manuscript leaf in a 20th century hand. According to a note in the same hand on front pastedoown, copied from British Museum 683.h.15.

Copy-specific note

16th century annotations throughout. Particularly heavily annotated in sections on Richard II, Henry V and Henry VI.

Copy-specific note

This copy appears to be largely consistent with the ideal configuration described for this edition by ESTC. The blank leaves at s4, 2f8, 3k8 and 3l4 have been removed.


Great Britain History Lancaster and York, 1399-1485 Early works to 1800.


Great Britain History Tudors, 1485-1603 Early works to 1800.

Added entry--name

Added entry--name

Added entry--name

Added entry--place

England London.

Language code



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