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Main entry--uniform title

Constitutiones provinciales ecclesiae Anglicanae.


Constitutiones legitime seu legatine regionis anglicane: cu[m] subtilissima interpretatione d[omi]ni Johannis de Athon: tripliciq[ue] tabella. Necnon et [con]stitutiones prouinciales ab archiepiscopis Cantuariensibus edite: et sum[m]a accuratione recognite: annotate et Parisijs co impresse..

Varying form of title

Constitutiones legitime ecclesie totiusque regionis anglicane ab legatis a latere summorum pontificum collecte

Publication, distribution, etc.

[Paris] : Magistri Wulfgangi Hopilij: impe[n]sis eiusdem: et p[ro]uissimi bibliopole Joa[n]nis Co[n]flue[n]tini: in inclyta Parrhisiorum academia., Anno domini Millesimo quingentesimo quarto: ad idus Semptembris [sic]. [1504]

Physical description

[16], clv leaves ; 28 cm. (fol.)


Edited by Josse Badius.


Imprint from colophon.


Printed in red and black throughout.


With an additional letterpress divisional title page on leaf a1 which reads: Constitutiones legitime ecclesie totiusq[ue] regio[n]is anglicane ab legatis a latere summo[rum] po[n]tificu[m] collecte: et a do. Joha[n]ne de Aton di lige[n]ter explanate. vicesimo quinto. xx. die Decembris.


Not William Lyndwood's "Constitutiones provinciales"--STC.


Signatures: A-B⁸ a-e⁸ f¹⁰ g-o⁸ p⁶ q-s⁸ t⁶ v⁶(-v6).


Often bound with STC 17111. Reprinted in 17109 with the commentary and in 17109.3 sqq. without the commentary, as Constitutiones Othonis. -- STC.


Both title pages with large woodcuts.

Citation/references note

Beale, J.H. Engl. law, T404

Citation/references note

STC (2nd ed.), 17108

Citation/references note

ESTC, S104759


Early engraved armorial bookplate of Eton College at foot of printed dedication page on t.p. verso of bound-with item.


Inscribed at head of t.p. verso of bound-with item: "Ex dono Julij Cæsaris Ademare Serenissimæ Reginæ Angliæ etc. Elizabethæ à libellis supplicatorijs, et Admirallitatis Angliæ Judicis. 9. Dece[m]bris, 1598." Sir Julius Caesar (1558-1636), son of Queen Mary's medical adviser Cesare Adelmare, became Judge of the Admiralty Court in 1583. Four of his sons were at Eton as commensals, two of them in 1598. See Birley Notebooks, Bindings V, no. 878.


16th century brown panelled calf over wooden boards; frame composed of a roll with heads in medallions and foliate ornaments; panel divided near the top and bottom by horizontal fillets; in the top and bottom compartments so formed are zig-zag fillets; in the central compartment three vertical bands of the same roll; remains of clasps on front cover; chain holes; ms. fore-edge title "Linwood" at head of text block.


The roll used in the binding is considered by Oldham to have belonged to a Cambridge binder, identified with Thomas Thomas. See Birley Notebook, cited above.

Copy-specific note

Bound with: Prouinciale seu Co[n]stitutiones Anglie cu[m] summarijs. Antwerp: C. van Ruremund; London: Franz Byrckman, 1525.

Copy-specific note

Previously: Da.4.02, Eg.4.09.

Copy-specific note

Early annotations on endleaves.


Ecclesiastical law England Early works to 1800.

Added entry--name

Added entry--name

Added entry--name

Added entry--name

Added entry--name

Added entry--place

France Paris.

Language code



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