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Uniform title

[Apologie: of, and for sundrie proceedings by jurisdiction ecclesiasticall]


An apologie for sundrie proceedings by iurisdiction ecclesiasticall, of late times by some chalenged, and also diuersly by them impugned. By which apologie (in their seuerall due places) all the reasons and allegations set downe as well in a treatise, as in certaine notes (that goe from hand to hand) both against proceeding ex officio, and against oaths ministred to parties in causes criminall; are also examined and answered: vpon that occasion lately reuiewed, and much enlarged aboue the first priuate proiect, and now published, being diuided into three partes: the first part whereof chieflie sheweth what matters be incident to ecclesiasticall conisance; and so allowed by statutes and common law: the second treateth (for the most part) of the two wayes of proceeding in causes criminal, viz. by way of accusation, & ex officio iudicis: the third concerneth oaths in generall, but more specially the lawfulnesse of such as be ministred touching supposed offenses, either of themselues that sweare, or of their brethren: respectiuelie submitted to the graue iudgements of the reuerend iudges and other sages of the common lawe: and of the right reuerend prelates and other grounded diuines in this realme. Whereunto (for the learneds sake, and for similitude of argument and iudgement) I haue presumed to adioine that right excellent and sound determination (concerning oaths) which was made by M. Lancelot Androvves Doctor in Diuinitie, in the common Diuinitie Schoole of the Vniversitie of Cambridge in Iulie, An. 1591..

Varying form of title

Second part of An apologie, for sundrie proceedings by iurisdiction ecclesiasticall

Varying form of title

Running title: Apologie of certaine proceedings in courts ecclesiasticall

Varying form of title

Apologie for svndrie proceedings by iurisdiction ecclesiasticall, of late times by some chalenged, and also diuersly by them impugned

Publication, distribution, etc.

Imprinted at London : By the deputies of Christopher Barker, printer to the Queenes most excellent Maiestie., 1593..

Physical description

3 pt. in 1 ([30], 130; [10], 140, [2]; [4], 255, [1] p.) ; 19 cm. (4to)


Anonymous. By Richard Cosin--STC.


A revised and enlarged edition of: An apologie: of, and for sundrie proceedings by jurisdiction ecclesiasticall.


A reply to: Morice, James. A briefe treatise of oathes exacted by ordinaries and ecclesiasticall judges, to answere generallie to all such articles or interrogatories, as pleaseth them to propound.


Running title reads: An apologie of certaine proceedings in courts ecclesiasticall.


A variant (STC 5822) has imprint undated.


The second part has separate title-page and pagination beginning on leaf Aa1; part 3 has separate title-page, pagination, and register, and is sometimes found separately.


"Quæstionis: nunquid per ius diuinum, magistratui liceat, a reo iusiurandum exigere? & id, quatenus ac quousque liceat?" by Lancelot Andrewes, p. 242-255.


Title-page ornaments.


Signatures: A-V⁴ Aa-Tt⁴ (Tt4 blank) ²[A]² ²B-²Z⁴ ²Aa-²Kk⁴.


Errata on final page.


Tailpieces and initials; printed marginalia.

Citation/references note

STC (2nd ed.), 5821

Citation/references note

ESTC, S122948


Engraved armorial bookplate of Edward Waddington, recording donation to Eton College in 1731. 18th-century engraved armorial bookplate of Eton College.


Contemporary English brown calf; border of blind double fillets with blind roll parallel to spine; gilt roll along board edges; five raised bands; dark red morocco spine label; endbands; endleaves; red sprinkled edges.

Copy-specific note

Imperfect: wanting blank leaf Tt4.

Copy-specific note

In ms. on t.p.: "P" and "b".

Copy-specific note

Previously Di.7.01.


Morice, James Briefe treatise of oathes exacted by ordinaries and ecclesiasticall judges, to answere generallie to all such articles or interrogatories, as pleaseth them to propound.


Oaths Great Britain Early works to 1800.


Ecclesiastical courts Great Britain Early works to 1800.

Added entry--name

Added entry--name

Andrewes, Lancelot, 1555 - 1626 Quæstionis: nunquid per ius diuinum, magistratui liceat, a reo iusiurandum exigere? & id, quatenus ac quousque liceat.

Added entry--name

Added entry--place

England London.


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