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Main entry--corporate name

Uniform title

[Laws, etc.]


Anno XXII. Henrici VIII. : Statuta bonum publicum concernentia edita in Parliamento tento apud VVestm. xvi. die Ianuarii, agno [sic] regni præpote[n]tissimi & metue[n]dissimi Anglie & Frauncie regis, fidei defensoris, & d[omi]ni Hibernie, Henrici Octaui, diuersas prorogatio[n]es eiusde[m] parliame[n]ti primo inchoati xxii. post apud Lo[n]dinum iii. die Noue[m]b. Anno xxi. eiusdem regis: & inde adiurnati & prorogati vsque ad VVestonasterium, & ibidem Decembris: & ab eodem die & loco vsque xxvi. diem Aprilis proxi. sequentis: & ab eo die vsque ad xxij. diem Iunij, & ab illo die ad primum diem Octobris, & a primo die Octobris vsque ad xxij. diem eiusdem mensis, & ab illo die vsque xvi. diem Ianuarij secundum leges terre rite prorogati, & ibidem continuati per lxxv. dies, videlicet ad vltimum diem martii eodem Anno xxi & inde vlterius prorogati vsque ad xiii diem Octobris prosimè sequentis..

Varying form of title

Anno XXII Henrici Octavi.

Varying form of title

Running title: Anno XXII Henrici Octaui.

Varying form of title

Public General Acts. 1530-1531. 22 Hen.VIII.

Publication, distribution, etc.

[London : Printed by Thomas Marsh, 1575?]

Physical description

[48] p. ; 29 cm (Fo.).


Running title reads: Anno XXII Henrici Octaui.


The title is printed within a border of rules.


Signatures: A-D⁶.


Printer's name supplied and publication date conjectured by STC.

Citation/references note

Beale, S140.

Citation/references note

ESTC, S101145

Citation/references note

STC (2nd ed.), 9371.5.


Engraved armorial bookplate of Eton College on verso of title-page.


Contemporary or seventeenth century mid brown calf; two concentric triple fillet frames, blind tooled with the central line gold tooled; gold tooled fleur-de-lys ornaments at corners of inner frame; gold tooled centrepiece of the royal arms; spine with possibly later gold tooled fleurons; black morocco spine label; trace of a chain clasp; red stained edges; number I written on fore-edge; four raised bands.

Copy-specific note

Seventh of nineteen items in volume.

Copy-specific note

Previous shelfmark: Di.4.7.


Law England Early works to 1800.


Statutes Great Britain Digests Early works to 1800.


Law reports, digests, etc. Great Britain Early works to 1800.

Added entry--name

Added entry--name

England and Wales Sovereign (1536-1547) : Henry VIII)

Added entry--place

England London.


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