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Canones vniuersales diui Mesue de consolatione me dicinaru[m] & correctione operationum earundem. Grabadin eiusdem Mesue medicinaru[?m] vniuersalium q[uo]d antidotariu[m] nuncupat[ur]. Liber eiusde[m] medicinarum particularium. Additio Petri Apponi medici clarissimi in librum Joannis Mesue. Antidotarium D[omi]ni Nicolai.

Varying form of title

Other title: Canones universales divi Mesue

Publication, distribution, etc.

Impressu[m] Venetiis : p[er] Gregorium de Gregoriis., Anno domini Millesimo quingentesimo decimotertio. Die vero. xv. Mensis Iulii. [15 July 1513]

Physical description

[332] leaves ; 17 cm. (8vo.)


A compilation of medieval medical works.


Signatures: A8-Z8, AA8-RR8, TT4.


With historiated woodcut initials.


Some lists of section headings given within the text.

Citation/references note

Adams, Y3

Citation/references note

Oldham, Blind Panels of English Binders, Misc. 12 and Misc. 13

Citation/references note

STC, 14077c.89

Citation/references note

ESTC, S93206


Engraved armorial bookplate of Eton College.


English binding of c. 1520 with blind stamped panels of Jean Moulin (Oldham MISC 12 & 13); the front panel gives the name 'jeha[n]' and the image of a mill and miller; the rear panel gives the name 'Jehan Moulin' and the image of a miller riding to the mill on a donkey, bearing a sack of wheat; panels framed by blind tooled triple fillet border; traces of clasps, with brass surviving on rear board; blind tooled single fillet around three raised bands; fragments of an English indulgence (STC 14077c.89) used as pastedowns; parchment stubs visible; title[?] written on fore-edge.

Copy-specific note

One of the 'Bookes of the Colledge found in Mr Belfeldes Chambre after his death' in 1558; see R. Birley, 'The history of Eton College Library', The Library, 5th ser., v. 11 (1956), p. 241.

Copy-specific note

List of adjectives describing various flavours (e.g. 'salsus', 'dulcis', 'insipidus') written on endpapers in 16th or early 17th century hand; underlinings and marginal annotations throughout; astrological table in quadrant form on rear flyleaf.

Copy-specific note

Pastedown fragment of an indulgence recorded by STC as 14077c.89. Hereaft' foloweth the abreuiacon of the graces, idulgeces & stacios which our moste holy fad' Pope Alexader vi. grauteth to al true beleuige people. -- London : [R. Pynson, ca. 1505]. Differentiated from STC 14077c.88 through absence of woodcut scallop shell to left of first paragraph. Previously attributed to Wynkyn de Worde.


Medicine Early works to 1800.


Pharmacology Early works to 1800.


Pharmacognosy Early works to 1800.


Antidotes Early works to 1800.

Added entry--name

Added entry--name

Added entry--name

Added entry--name

Added entry--name

Belfyld, John, ? - 1558 associated name.

Added entry--place

Italy Venice

Language code



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