Kbb.4.24 (copy 1)
Kbb.4.25 (copy 2)
[Art of the theatre. Danish]
Theatrets kunst : dialog mellem sceneinstruktør og tilskuer / Edward Gordon Craig ; oversat og indledet af Kirsten Kiørboe.
København : Steen Hasselbalchs Forlag, MCMLXIII [1963]
58, [6] p. ; 18 cm.
(Hasselbalchs kultur-bibliotek ; 222)
Translation into Danish of: The art of the theatre.
The first and final leaves are pasted down.
Final leaf is integral blank.
Publisher's paper boards printed in olive and brown.
Fletcher, I.K. & Rood, A. Edward Gordon Craig: a bibliography (London: Society for Theatre Research, 1967), A4(g)
Edward Gordon Craig collection.
[Copy 1] Inscribed on title page by Edward Gordon Craig: "from old P x this is the copy of Nelly granddaughter of Ellen Terry", and inscription of Ellen M. Gordon Craig inside front cover, i.e. Craig's daughter Nelly [Ellen Gordon Craig].
[Copy 2] Inscribed on title page by Edward Gordon Craig: "Teddy's copy xxx P." i.e. Craig's son Edward Anthony Craig.
Stage design Great Britain 20th century.
Kiørboe, Kirsten translator.
Craig, Ellen Gordon, 1904 - 1975 former owner.
Craig, Edward Anthony, 1904 - 1998 former owner.
Steen Hasselbalch publisher.
Denmark Copenhagen.
dan eng