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MS 287



Gemmæ incisæ, excisæque maximam ex parte antiquæ, quas cælatura insignes, auroque ornatas, ingens copia, multiplex color, magnitudo lapidum, sculptorum mirabilis & prorsus inimitabilis ars, summopere commendant. Thesaurus olim Arundellianus, primis Europie Cimeliis sane invidendus, qui nunc in ædibus nobilis matrone, D[omin]e Elizabethæ Germain, Londini, summa[m] cura[m] servatur. Harum gemmarum præstantia, triplici differentia notatur. Numerus 1us, Præcellentem, 2dus. Egregiam 3us. Nobilem. Cælaturam indicat. Inferioris gradus nulla videtur habenda ratio, nisi gemmis pretium, eruditionis causa[m] accedat. manuscript.

Publication, distribution, etc.

London, England, 1720s or 1730s.

Physical description

1 volume (46 leaves) : paper ; 21 x 17 cm.


Title taken from title page on sixth leaf.


A copy of the catalogue of the Arundel gem collection, then owned by Lady Elizabeth Germain (1680-1769). The collection was formed in the Renaissance by the Gonzaga dukes of Mantua, then purchased by Thomas Howard, 14th Earl of Arundel. Lady Betty Germain inherited the collection from Arundel through her husband. This copy is very similar to a copy made for Smart Lethuillier in 1727 and now in the Society of Antiquities (SAL/MS/43). Another version is in the British Library, Add MS 38, dated May 1731.


Transcribed in the hand of Richard Topham (d. 1731).


Catalogue entries in Latin, with some aesthetic remarks in Italian (for instance, 'in saffiro orientale molto limpido e vivo').


The main text is foliated in ink, 1-38. Blank leaves at front and rear of volume.


Pages ruled in red ink.


18th century limp paper cover; red and brown brocade paper with carnations, grapes, pomegranates; traces of a handwritten booklabel on front board.



Gems, Ancient Catalogs Early works to 1800.

Added entry--name

Added entry--name

Added entry--place

England London

Language code

lat ita


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