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MS 9



On Psalms [manuscript]

Varying form of title

Title in M.R. James catalogue: Commentarius in librum psalmorum

Varying form of title

Title in Ker, MMBL: P. Lombardus, In Psalmos

Publication, distribution, etc.

England, 1200-1250.

Physical description

1 v. : ill. ; 342 x 240 mm.


Written in Latin.


Secundo folio: quantur laudanda.


Material: membrane; Gregory's rule (FHHF).


Format: codex.


Written space: 247-265 x 167-169 mm.


Number of leaves: iv + 183 + ii.


Collation: 1-22⁸, 23⁸ (wants 8).


No quire or leaf signatures. Catchwords on last quire leaf verso; occasionally trimmed out.


Page preparation: ruled in plummet. Pricking sometimes visible on both margins.


Mise-en-page: double columns (53-61 lines) written in a set script. "The commentary follows the text, psalm-verse by psalm-verse, in smaller script" (Ker). Incipit of Psalms in capital letters, sometimes rubricated, from f. 86. Rubrics. Red underlinings. Paragraph marks. Psalm number in Roman numerals in the margins. Some marginal notes are enclosed by jagged lines or connected to form diagrams. Some marginalia enclosed by red rectangles.


Decoration: arabesque penwork initials (6-35 lines) in red, green, and/or blue, yellow at the beginning of each psalm. Red, green, and blue capitals with elongated descenders. Interlinear line-filler with arabesque motif in green (f. 126v) or red (f. 53v). "No green is used on ff.1-96 [the first 12 quires]" (Ker).


Handwriting: littera praegothica. "At first both sizes of script are written above the top ruled line: the larger size drops below at f.91v and the smaller size at f. 105r" (Ker). Multiple scribes; "script is more [uniform] from f. 85v" (Ker).


Abbreviation and punctuation: use of both & and Tironian nota; the latter includes cross-bar from f. 86 onwards. The text presents puncti ad puncti elevati.


Correction: usually making up for omission; the responsible scribe for this seems to be the hand from "second part" of the volume.


Marginalia, later additions: much of the marginalia has been trimmed out the long margin -- it may have included comments or corrections. Where legible, marginalia include biblical references, nota ligatures, and longer comments in plummet that are for the most part faded. Scribes have also added notes in the form of diagrams and schemas.

Formatted contents note

Contents: ff. 1-183: Peter Lombard, In Psalmos.

Citation/references note

N.R. Ker, Medieval manuscripts in British libraries, v. 2 (1977), p. 637

Citation/references note

M.R. James, A descriptive catalogue of the manuscripts in the library of Eton College (1895), p. 5

Citation/references note

Patrologia latina, cxci, cols. 55-1296

Cite as

Eton College Library, MS 9


Origin: England. Erased note on f. 183v: [Iste liber est de ...].


Provenance: erased note on f.1 r: "Ron [illegible] qui talis ubi [illegible]". Crest of Eton College on front pastedown. Former ECL shelfmarks: Bk.1.9, Bl.1.7.


18th-century calfskin over pasteboards by John Slatter c.1715, repaired by R.L. Day (1960-70). Covers decorated with blind double fillets to form a border, and a blind panel with tools at the corners; gilt roll on board-edges. Spine rebacked with five raised bands, decorated with blind fillets and gilt titling over red label ("Comment in librum psalmoru"). Textblock sprinkled red. Endpapers of undecorated paper.


Bible. Psalms Commentaries Manuscripts.

Added entry--name

Added entry--name

Day, R. L. binder.

Added entry--place


Language code



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