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MS 21


Uniform title

[Commentarii in Danielem]


Commentary on the Book of Daniel and Minor Prophets [manuscript]

Varying form of title

Title in M.R. James catalogue: S. Hieronymus In Danielem, etc.

Varying form of title

Title in Ker, MMBL: Jeronimus, In Danielem et Prophetas Minores; etc.

Publication, distribution, etc.

?Peterborough, 1125-1175.

Physical description

1 v. : ill. ; 385 x 285 mm.


Secundo folio: la ut abram appelauit.


Material: membrane; Gregory's rule (FHHF).


Format: codex.


Written space: 270-296 x 185-190 mm.


Number of leaves: ii + 336 + i.


Collation: 1¹⁰ (wants 1, 2) 2-4¹⁰ 5¹⁰ (wants 10) 6-30¹⁰ 31¹⁰ (wants 4) 32-34¹⁰.


No quire or leaf signatures. Catchwords.


Page preparation: ruled in ink and plummet; pricking sometimes visible on long margin, occasionally on short margins.


Mise-en-page: double columns (37-44 lines) in a set script written above the top ruled line. Rubrics. Running headers. Few rubricated capitulum numbers in the margin. Biblical quotes signalled with marginal diples. Text marked with hairline strokes to help for reading aloud.


Decoration: arabesque penwork initials (3-27 lines) in green, red, light blue, and yellow. Minor initials in red, green, blue, or yellow. Some guide letters. Animal doodles (felines) at ff. 131r, 234r.


Handwriting: littera praegothica; two scribal hands.


Punctuation: puncti, puncti elevati and flexi.


Correction: some knife erasures of individual words or few sentences, either left blank or written over.


Marginalia, later additions: few contemporary nota signs. Some early modern annotations, including Greek.

Formatted contents note

Contents: ff.1r-42v: Jerome's commentary on the Book of Daniel (begins imperfectly: ualla eam tantum que obscura sunt...); ff.42v-322v: Jerome on the minor prophets (from Hosea to Malachi) [Ker suggests 11 leaves are missing after f.47r]; ff.322v-326v: pseudo-Ambrose, De dignitate sacerdotali; ff.326v-336r: Jerome, De induratione cordis pharaonis; f.336r-v: Jerome, The Fifteen Signs; f.336v: a prophecy of the fall of Rome (printed in James).

Citation/references note

N.R. Ker, Medieval manuscripts in British libraries, v. 2 (1977), pp. 647-648

Citation/references note

M.R. James, A descriptive catalogue of the manuscripts in the library of Eton College (1895), p. 10

Citation/references note

M.R. James, Lists of Manuscripts formerly in Peterborough Abbey Library (1926), p. 30

Citation/references note

The Library of Peterborough Abbey, ed. Karsten Friis-Jensen, Corpus of British Medieval Library Catalogues (CBMLC) 8, BP21.3

Citation/references note

Patrologia latina, XXV, cols. 494/6-584, 815-1578

Citation/references note

Patrologia latina, XVII, cols. 567-80

Citation/references note

F. Stegmüller, Repertorium Biblicum Medii Aevi, no. 6370

Cite as

Eton College Library, MS 21

Additional physical form available

Reproduction available; Bodleian Library; Eton College Library should be contacted for permission to reproduce; SFW 1756


Origin: England. M.R. James suggested this volume corresponds to the manuscript listed as "C" in the late 14th-century booklist of Peterborough Abbey [CBMLC 8, BP21.3].


Provenance: early modern annotations read: "Sum liber Iohannis Rogers [...] Elitzur 1594" (f.1r); "Thomas Horn" (f.333v); "1713. Dedit Collegio B.M. de Etona Tho. Horne Soc.", (f.i verso).


18th-century calfskin over pasteboards by John Slatter, c.1715. Covers decorated with blind double fillers to form a border; blind roll to form a panel in the centre of the board with blind tools at its outer corners; gilt roll on board edges. Spine with five raised bands, decorated with blind fillets and gilt titling over red label ("Hieron: in. Dan. et. xii: proph."). Endleaves of modern paper and pre-modern parchment; lacking original pastedowns. Former ECL shelfmark: Bk.2.8.



Bible. Old Testament Commentaries Manuscripts.

Added entry--name

Jerome, ? - -419 or 420 Saint Commentarii in Prophetas Minores.

Added entry--name

Jerome, ? - -419 or 420 Saint In annalibus ebreorum.

Added entry--name

Pelagius De induratione cordis Pharaonis.

Added entry--name

Pseudo-Ambrose De dignitate sacerdotali.

Added entry--name

Ambrose Saint, Bishop of Milan, attributed name.

Added entry--name

Added entry--name

Added entry--name

Peterborough Abbey former owner.

Added entry--place

England Peterborough.

Language code



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