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MS 46


Ambrose Saint, Bishop of Milan


Ambrosius ; Faustus Reiensis. manuscript

Varying form of title

Title in M. R. James catalogue: S. Ambrosii quaedam

Publication, distribution, etc.

Italy, ca. 1400-1500.

Physical description

1 volume (ii, 305 leaves) : parchment, ill. (initials) ; 27.8 x 19.5 cm.


A collection of pieces by or attributed to St Ambrose.


Includes [1] the collection of letters in ten books (ff. 1-146v, 178v-215 with other works lying between the 77th and 78th letters); [2] 'De obitu Theodosii' (ff. 146v-156v); [3-4] two works of Pseudo-Ambrose (ff. 156v-161 and 161-162v); [5] Pseudo-Ambrose on SS. Vitalis and Agricola (ff. 162v-164); [6-7] two further works of Pseudo-Ambrose (ff. 164-176v and176v-178v); [8] ''Epistola ambrosii de consolatione Valentitiani imperatoris' (ff. 215v-227v); [9] 'liber beati ambrosii de morte fratris sui sancti satiri' (ff. 227v-263v); [10] Pseudo-Ambrose, Oratio (ff. 264-268v); [11] De incarnatione verbi (ff. 269-283); [12] De spiritu sancto (Faustus Reiensis) (ff. 283v-306). For fuller details of component parts including references to E. Dekker, Clavis patrum Latinorum, Patrologia Latina, and early printed editions, see Ker p. 684.


Medieval foliation: (i, ii), 1-306, (307-8), skipping numbers after ff. 153, 221 and 302; f. i is a contemporary fly-leaf.


Items [1], [9-12] are listed by the main hand in red ink on f. ii under the heading 'Hi libri in pr[a]esenti conscribitur uolumine' and giving leaf numbers, treating the double opening as the unit e.g. f. "2" to signify ff. 1v and 2r.


In the collected letters, spaces for Greek were left blank and filled later only on ff. 21v-22.


Written space: ca. 185 x 120 mm.


30 long lines.


Ruling with a hard point.


Collation: 1-22¹⁰ 23⁶ (ff. 223-8) 24-30¹⁰ 31¹⁰ wants 10, blank: 10 is pasted to the binding.


Upright humanistic script by a named scribe (see below) who wrote 'ihesus' (not 'iesus') and often misused æ; the addition of a passage on the margin of f. 215 is perhaps in his non-humanistic hand.


8- and 3-line initials in gold on blue, red and green grounds, decorated with white vine interlace and dots in groups of three, in the Florentine style of ca. 1435-1440; similar to those in Magdalen College, Oxford, MS 76.


A gay bird in the margin on f. 1.


Secundo folio: ergo mensura.


Rebound at Eton in the early 17th century.


Written in Italy (possibly Rome) by the same scribe as Magdalen College, Oxford, MS 59 (Ambrose, De fide) and MS 76 (which has the same dimensions of written space). Signed on f. 268v: 'Si vis scire lector: quis astitit litteræ scriptor. Alamanum signa. Iohannem de Rodenberga'; presumably the 'Ioannes Lamperti de Rodenberg' who signed Vat Lat. 1801 with the date Rome, 1452 and signed Vat. Lat. 1812 'Iohannes Rodenbergh'.


At Eton by 1601 on the evidence of the binding.


Former Eton shelfmark: Bk.4.10


This catalogue record is based on the work of Neil Ker and M.R. James, as cited in the references below.

Citation/references note

Ker, N. R.. Medieval manuscripts in British libraries, v. 2 (1977), p. 684-685

Citation/references note

James, M. R. A descriptive catalogue of the manuscripts in the library of Eton College (1895), 46

Cite as

Eton College Library, MS 46


Possibly given by Sir Henry Wotton (1568-1639), provost of Eton 1624-1639, whose collection of manuscripts, many acquired in Venice, was left to the college.


Early 17th century English calf; bound by Williamson.


Theology Manuscripts.

Added entry--name

Faustus, of Riez

Added entry--name

Wotton, Henry (), 1568 - 1639 Sir former owner.

Added entry--name

Williamson, Vincent bookbinder.

Added entry--place

Italy Rome?

Language code



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