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MS 99



Petrus Calo de Clugia, O.P., Legenda, pars II. manuscript

Varying form of title

Title in M. R. James catalogue: Secunda pars Cathalogi sanctorum Petri de Natalibus

Publication, distribution, etc.

France, between ca. 1375 and ca. 1425.

Physical description

1 volume (i, 232, i leaves) : parchment, initials ; 40 x 31 cm.


314 lives of saints in the order of the church year from 25 January to 17 March (ff. 1-65) and from 29 April to 31 July (ff. 65v-229), corresponding to nos. 119-212, 289-522 of the sanctorale of the legendary of Petrus Calo (d. 1348) in Venice, Biblioteca Marciana, as set out in Analecta Bollandiana 29 (1910), pp. 56-83 with a few omissions and one addition, and a few differences in order.


See Ker as cited in the references below for a comparison of the contents and order between this manuscript and the Venice manuscript.


Attributed to Jacobus de Voragine or Petrus de Natalibus in a 17th-century note on f. 1.


The large gap is not due to loss of leaves on the evidence of the table of the lives on ff. 230-231v. Three added titles in the margin of f. 231v of the table of the lives seem to be in the hand of Robert Elyot, two repairing omissions and the third referring to "Vita sancti lazari nota in prima parte huius operis 197".


The leaf numbers in the table at the end were added later.


A medieval foliation throughout the text, 1-231, may be in Robert Elyot's hand; it repeats the number 37, misses three leaves after "60" and three after "64", and has been revised on ff. 61-67 but is the present foliation elsewhere.


The pastedown and flyleaf at each end have been taken over from an earlier binding.


Written space: ca. 290 x 190 mm.


Two columns of 57 or 58 lines.


Collation: 1-29⁸.


Written in skilled current hybrida.


Folio 1 has a 9-line blue initial patterned in white on a ground of decorated gold and of red patterned in white, and a small foliate border; elsewhere 3-line initials in blue with red ornament or in red with blue-grey ornament.


Capital letters in the ink of the text filled with pale yellow.


Secundo folio: dignissime.


Rebound at Eton around 1520.


Written in France, perhaps for Benedictine use in view of the copying error on f. 119, the translation of St Dominic (no. 359) where the scribe has written "Translatio sancti benedicti patris nostri ...".


Inscription on f. 232v: Ex dono magistri Willelmi Wey socii istius collegii" (the last five words erased) and near it the mark EC joined by a line above.


Annotations by Robert Elyot on f. 145 and elsewhere; the one on f. 231v suggests that the now missing first volume was also at Eton in the late 15th century.


Former Eton shelfmark: Bl.1.8.


This catalogue record is based on the work of Neil Ker and M.R. James, as cited in the references below.

Citation/references note

Ker, N. R.. Medieval manuscripts in British libraries, v. 2 (1977), p. 712-3

Citation/references note

James, M. R. A descriptive catalogue of the manuscripts in the library of Eton College (1895), 99

Citation/references note

Bernard, Catalogi librorum manuscriptorum Angliae et Hiberniae, 1697, 124

Cite as

Eton College Library, MS 99

Additional physical form available

Reproduction available; Bodleian Library; Eton College Library should be contacted for permission to reproduce; SFW 1225


Annotations in the hand of Robert Elyot (d. 1499), vice provost of Eton.


Inscription recording donation to Eton by William Wey.


16th century English calf binding by Lisley; traces of two strap-and-pin fastenings; inscription on back cover, "2a pars cathalogi sanctorum", once protected by a piece of horn attached to the cover by 16 nails (illustrated in R. Birley, 'The history of Eton College Library', The Library, 5th ser., v. 11 (1956), pl. 4).


Saints Manuscripts.

Added entry--name

Added entry--name

Added entry--name

Added entry--name

Jacobus,, ca. 1229 - 1298 de Voragine attributed name.

Added entry--name

Added entry--place


Language code



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