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MS 105


Augustine, 354 - 430 Saint, Bishop of Hippo.


Augustinus, Epistolae, etc. manuscript

Varying form of title

Title in M. R. James catalogue: S. Augustini Epistolae, etc.

Publication, distribution, etc.

England, between ca. 1200 and ca. 1225.

Physical description

1 volume (iii, 178, ii leaves) : parchment, initials ; 37.6 x 26.5 cm.


Collection of 139 letters of St Augustine (ff. 1-172), preceded by a table of contents (ff. iv verso-v verso) and followed by two sermons, "de uita et moribus clericorum" (ff. 172-4) and "excusatorius pro clericis" (ff. 174-6) (sermons no. 355 and 356 in G. Lambot's edition in Stromata patristica et medievalia, 1 (1950), pp. 124-131); f. 176v is blank.


Closely related to the copies of the Epistolae in the Tullie House Museum, Carlisle and at Merton College, Oxford, MS 3 which have the same collection of 139 letters in the same order, followed by the same two sermons (but in reverse order); also to Aberdeen University, MS 6, which breaks off in letter 137.


Red ink notice after letter 7 in the table of contents "Epistole augustini ad Ieronimum. et Ieronimi ad Augustinum in epistolari Ieronimi requirantur", as found also in the Carlisle, Merton and Aberdeen MSS.


In both table and text two letters seem to have been numbered 126; to correct the error, the numbers from the second 126 were raised by one, pershaps at the same time (15th century) as the leaf references were added to the table.


See Ker as cited in the references below for comparison with the commoner 143- or 144-letter collections of Augustine's Epistolae, and for a table showing the numbers of the letters in the Eton manuscript compared with pre-Maurist printed editions and Patrologia Latina/Corpus Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Latinorum.


Later annotations include a numbering of the letters based on the collection of 143 letters and the division of longer letters by numbers in the margins, possibly 15th century.


15th-century drawings and notes, for example a head and "Correctio" on f. 7, the upper part of a cowled figure at a desk with a scroll "Nota questionem et responsum" on f. 65.


Foliated i-v, 1-176; f. iii was pasted to a former binding.


Medieval foliation, 1-176.


Written space: 255 x 180 mm.


Two columns of 40 lines (as in the Carlisle manuscript).


First line of writing above the top ruled line.


Pricks in both margins to guide ruling.


Collation of ff. ib, v, 1-176: 1 2-23⁸.


Quires 2-22 numbered at the end I-XXI.


No flex punctuation; where the Carlisle manuscript has the flex, the Eton one has eiher the punctus elevatus or a point.


8-line initial on f. 1, blue with handsome ornament in red and blue externally and red and green internally; other initials 4-line, blue with red ornament, red with blue ornament, or green with red ornament, roughish work after quire 2.


In the table of contents a line of yellow wash covers the capital letter beginning each entry.


Secundo folio (f. 2): de me opinionem.


Rebound at Eton around 1715; marks of the chain attachment and metal piece for a central strap from an older binding visible on f. iii.


Written in England.


Inscription on f. iii verso: "Liber magistri Thome Mareys Rectoris de Sturmowth in Comitatu Kancie emptus de executoribus M' Thome Checheley Archidiaconi Cantuariensis anno domini 1468º. vltimo die mensis Aprilis".


Inscription on f. iii verso: "Liber magistri Iohannis Mocer vicarii de tenterden. Emptus cantuarie ab executoribus magistri Thome maris et a magistro Symone hogges officiali pro xxxiii s' iiii d'".


In Mocer's will, 1489, this manuscript, MS 106, "omelias Originis super Matheum" and "Rabanum de Ludowicum" (Rabanus on Maccabees, with his preface to Louis I?) were bequeathed to Eton. The Origen and Rabanus are now missing.


Former Eton shelfmark: Bl.2.4.


This catalogue record is based on the work of Neil Ker and M.R. James, as cited in the references below.

Citation/references note

Ker, N. R.. Medieval manuscripts in British libraries, v. 2 (1977), p. 717-719

Citation/references note

James, M. R. A descriptive catalogue of the manuscripts in the library of Eton College (1895), 105

Citation/references note

Bernard, Catalogi librorum manuscriptorum Angliae et Hiberniae, 1697, 16

Cite as

Eton College Library, MS 105


Belonged in the second half of the 15th century to three Kentish churchmen in succession, Thomas Chichele, Thomas Mareys, and John Mocer; see notes above.


Bequeathed to Eton by John Mocer in 1489.


Some of the 15th century notes appear to be by Robert Elyot (d. 1499), vice provost of Eton, one of whose typical heads is on f. 109.


18th century English calf binding by Slatter.


Augustine, 354 - 430 Saint, Bishop of Hippo Correspondence


Theology Manuscripts.

Added entry--name

Added entry--name

Added entry--name

Mocer, John, ? - 1489 former owner.

Added entry--place


Language code



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