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MS 137



On architecture [manuscript]

Varying form of title

Title in M. R. James catalogue: Vitruvii De architectura libri X

Varying form of title

Title in Ker, MLGB II: Vitruvius

Publication, distribution, etc.

Italy, 1300-1500.

Physical description

1 v. : ill. (initials) ; 309 x 202 mm.


Written in Latin. Greek quotations at f. 44r.


Secundo folio: titudinis effectus.


Material: membrane; Gregory's rule (FHHF).


Format: codex.


Written space: 213 x 119 mm.


Number of leaves: iii + 64 + i.


Collation: 1¹⁰ 2⁸ 3-6¹⁰ 7⁸ (5, 6 cancelled).


Quire and leaf signatures and catchwords: a combination of letters (a-g) and Roman numerals are used to mark leaves, and Arabic numerals of quire number at the top centre of first folio. Catchwords added in the bottom centre of last folio of each quire. Foliation in Arabic medieval numerals 1-62 in top right corner of folios.


Page preparation: ruled in ink, including outer margins of textblock only: no individual lines. No pricking visible.Secundo folio: titudinis.


Mise-en-page: single columns (45-52 lines) written in a set script above top line. Rubrics. Red and blue paragraph marks.


Decoration: pink decorated initials (6-14 lines) on blue background with white details with foliage infills in red, yellow, and green; three inhabited initials portraying Vitruvius (f. 1r) Hercules (f. 7v) and a bird (f. 46v). Simple decorated initials (4 lines) in blue with red pen flourishes and vice versa. The first two words of each book are executed in a larger script, usually the size of two lines.


Handwriting: southern littera textualis; at least two scribes. Size of script (and therefore the number of lines) varies.


Abbreviation and punctuation: Tironian nota with crossbar. Puncti, puncti elevati, virgulae suspensivae.


Correction: little to none. Bembo has added missing text at f. 20v.


Marginalia, later additions: much marginalia in different hands throughout. One is Bernardo Bembo's, who added signposts, notes, curly brackets and maniculae throughout. Another one is a humanistic hand that annotated ECL MS 135 too but remains an unidentified annotator -- they add notes (some in Greek), and signposts in capital letters (e.g. compare f.13v with ECL MS 135, f. 114r).

Formatted contents note

Contents: ff.1r-63r: De architectura.

Citation/references note

N.R. Ker, Medieval manuscripts in British Libraries, v. 2 (1977) p. 758

Citation/references note

M.R. James, A descriptive catalogue of the manuscripts in the library of Eton College (1895), p. 65

Citation/references note

Bernard, Catalogi librorum manuscriptorum Angliae et Hiberniae, 1697, 125

Citation/references note

N. Giannetto, Bernardo Bembo: umanista e politico veneziano (Florence, 1985), pp. 301-303

Citation/references note

C. H. Krinsky, "Seventy-eight Vitruvius manuscripts", Journal of Warbug and Courtauld Institutes 30 (1967), pp. 36-70

Citation/references note

J.P. Chausserie-Laprée, "Un nuveau stemma vitruvien" in Revue des etudes latines 47 (1969), pp. 347-377

Cite as

Eton College Library, MS 137

Additional physical form available

Reproduction available; Bodleian Library; Eton College Library should be contacted for permission to reproduce; SFW 1240


Origin: Italy.


Provenance: (from Ker) "A long inscription by Bernardo Bembo on f. iii shows that this book was acquired by him at the auction of Jacopo Langusci in 1453 and that it went astray [20 years] later and was returned by him by Luigi Regii's son in 1493". Follows a transcription (also in Giannetto). On f.ii verso appears the name "Ludovici Rigii Cornarii" (i.e. Ludovico Corner, son of Alvise Corner) -- it is likely he stole the codex for himself and rubbed off Bernardo's name (see Giannetto). It was very likely brought to Eton by Sir Henry Wotton, who acquired part of Bembo's library when it was sold in Venice during one of his stays. Former ECL shelfmark: Bl.4.10.


18th-century calfskin over pasteboards by John Slatter, c.1715. Covers decorated with blind double fillers to form a border; blind roll to form a panel in the centre of the board with blind tools at its outer corners; gilt roll on board edges. Spine rebacked with five raised bands, decorated with blind fillets and gilt titling over red morocco label ("Vitru|vius"). Endleaves of modern paper and pre-modern membrane (f.ii is an original pastedown). 20th-century repairs done by R. L. Day.


Vitruvius Pollio De architectura


Architecture Manuscripts.


Architecture, Roman Manuscripts.

Added entry--name

Added entry--name

Wotton, Henry (), 1568 - 1639 Sir former owner.

Added entry--name

Added entry--name

Added entry--name

Day, R. L. binder.

Added entry--place


Language code



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