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MS 151



Parthenice secunda sive Catharinaria [manuscript]

Varying form of title

Title in M. R. James catalogue: Baptistae Mantuani Secunda Parthenice

Varying form of title

Title in Ker, MLGB II: Baptista Mantuanus, Ord. Carm.

Publication, distribution, etc.

Italy, 1475-1525.

Physical description

1 v. : 211 x 141 mm.


Written in Latin.


Secundo folio: strare putat.


Material: membrane; Gregory's rule (irregular; see "Decoration").


Format: codex.


Written space: 132 x 86 mm.


Number of leaves: ii + 48 + ii.


Collation: 1² 2-6⁸ 7⁶.


Quire and leaf signatures and catchwords: leaf signatures are a combination of letters (a-f; the first bifolium is not numbered) and Arabic numerals; no quire signatures; catchwords with minimal decoration.


Page preparation: ruled in ink; horizontal lines traced faintly, while vertical lines have the aspect of plummet ruling. No pricking visible.


Mise-en-page: single columns (27 lines) written in a set script above the top line. Rubrics.


Decoration: decorated purple initials (3-9 lines) on blue background; that on folio 3r incudes the biblical phrase "in Deo salutari meo". Folio 3r also shows Bernardo Bembo's arms surrounded by branches of laurel and palm with his motto "virtus et honor" in the bas-de-page. The pattern of Gregory's rule of this quire (FHHF) does not follow that of the first bifolium (HFFH), possibly because it would have been easier to paint on the flesh side of the animal than the hair side. Capital letters have been traced with yellow paint. Occasional penwork decoration in black ink on the capitals of the first or last line of the column.


Handwriting: southern littera textualis; the poem by Pietro Bembo (f.2v) is written in purple ink. One scribe.


Abbreviation and punctuation: Tironian nota. Puncti and puncti elevati.


Correction: little to none. Spelling mistakes corrected interlinea by someone different from the main scribe. Gaps in the text of the poem for Pietro Bembo have been filled by a humanistic hand using black ink.


Marginalia, later additions: Bernardo Bembo has added verses, a maxim, and an extract from St Jerome's letter to the virgin Demetrias on ff.1r-v. Maniculae to the main text.

Formatted contents note

Contents: f.1r-v: Bernardo Bembo's notes; f.2r: blank; f.2v: poem dedicated to Pietro Bembo; f.3r: dedication letter from Battista to Bernardo; ff.4v-5r: Parthenice's argumentum (topic); ff.5v-45r: Parthenice secunda sive Catharinaria; ff.45v-48v: ruled but blank.

Citation/references note

N.R. Ker, Medieval manuscripts in British Libraries, v. 2 (1977), p. 762

Citation/references note

M.R. James, A descriptive catalogue of the manuscripts in the library of Eton College (1895), pp. 82-83

Citation/references note

Bernard, Catalogi librorum manuscriptorum Angliae et Hiberniae, 1697, 94

Citation/references note

N. Giannetto, Bernardo Bembo: umanista e politico veneziano (Florence, 1985), pp. 339-340

Summary, etc.

Scope and content: This work tells the life of Saint Catherine of Alexandria in verse, and follows a previous "parthenice" which focused on the Virgin Mary. Battista Spagnoli (1447-1516), also known as Mantovano after his birthplace Mantova, was an ordained Carmelite friar and humanist often praised for incorporating classical style and themes into Christian narratives. He befriended Bernardo Bembo when he was in Rome in the 1480s.

Cite as

Eton College Library, MS 151

Additional physical form available

Reproduction available; Bodleian Library; Eton College Library should be contacted for permission to reproduce; SFW 2552


Origin: Italy. The exemplar of this copy was a printed book, as suggested in the explicit: "Secundae Parthenices opus divinum Bononie impressum solerti animadversione Francisci Cereti Parmensis, communibus imprensis Benedicti Hectoris bibliopolae Platonisque eiusdem impressoris accuratissimi civium Bononiensium anno nativitatis dominicae MCCCCLXXIX quinto idus februaris" (f.45r). However, as Giannetto points out, the incunable that the scribe was referring to dates from 1489 rather than 1479 -- likely a distraction error (see ISTC ib00066000).


Provenance: owned by Bernardo Bembo in the 15th century. It was very likely brought to Eton by Sir Henry Wotton, who acquired part of Bembo's library when it was sold in Venice during one of his stays. Former ECL shelfmark: Bl.6.6.


18th-century calfskin over pasteboards by John Slatter, c.1715. Covers decorated with blind double fillers to form a border; blind roll to form a panel in the centre of the board with blind tools at its outer corners; gilt roll on board edges. Spine rebacked with four raised bands, decorated with blind fillets and tools, and gilt titling over red morocco label ("Mantuan. Parthenic"). Endleaves of laid paper; two flyleaves at both ends of the textblock. 20th-century repairs done by R. L. Day.



Catherine of Alexandria, Saint


Christian poetry, Latin (Medieval and modern) Manuscripts.

Added entry--name

Added entry--name

Added entry--name

Wotton, Henry (), 1568 - 1639 Sir former owner.

Added entry--name

Added entry--name

Day, R. L. binder.

Added entry--place


Language code



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