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MS 161


Uniform title

[Questiones naturales]


Adelardus Bathoniensis, Queastiones naturales. manuscript

Varying form of title

Title in M. R. James catalogue: Adelardus Batoniensis De solutione queastionum naturalium

Publication, distribution, etc.

England, between ca. 1125 and ca. 1175.

Physical description

1 volume (ii, 37, ii leaves) : parchment ; 16.7 x 11 cm.


Eton College Library MS 160 and MS 161 were the last two pieces in a volume of 250+ ff. which belonged to Master John of London ca. 1300-1350 and was given by him to St Augustine's, Canterbury; see M. R. James, Ancient libraries of Canterbury and Dover (1903), p. 340, no. 1222. The rest of the volume is now at the Bodleian Library, MS e Mus. 223.


The leaf numbers of Bodleian MS e Mus. 223 show that Eton MS 160 began on "fo 195" and Eton MS 161 on "fo 228".


The Quaestiones naturales of Adelard of Bath, beginning: 'Incipit liber Adelardi Batoniensis ad nepotem suum de solucione questionum naturalium', and ending imperfectly "Quidam autem altius uel intelligentes uel furentes ..." where the final leaves are damaged by damp.


Collated as E for the edition by M. Müller, Beiträge zur Geschichte der Philosophie des Mittelalters 31 (1934); the last words correspond to p. 68, line 17.


The text is written without breaks; chapter numbers in the margins by the main hand.


In chapters 1-62 the questions are preceded by Ɔ- and the answers by Ɔ-C; after this, N and A are used.


Two lines of verse in a business hand in the lower margin of f. 13v (identified in Ker).


Traces of a medieval pencil foliation like that in Eton MS 160 can be seen on some leaves, for example 9-14, where the first two digits are 24; a number in ink on f. 1 is "fo 228".


Probably a few leaves, four or more, were lost between MS 160, f. 24 and MS 161, f. 1, after the leaves were foliated in pencil; see Ker as cited below, p. 766 n.2.


Some leaves have width up to 117 mm where the binder has spared marginalia; the width of the leaves throughout is raised to 125 mm by means of a strip of modern paper.


Written space: 127 x 82 mm.


29 long lines.


Collation: 1-4⁸ 5 five (ff. 33-37, mounted separately).


On f. 1, a 4-line initial in red; 2-line space for an initial on f. 3, not filled.


Rebound in the late 19th/early 20th century in imitation of Eton bindings of ca. 1720 by John Slatter; presumably the damaged leaves were repaired at this time.


Written in England; according to M. R. James as cited below, this manuscript was believed by soime to be probably Adelard's autograph MS.


Put after Eton MS 160 by the early 14th century.


Previously part of the same volume as Bodleian MS e Mus. 223, which is inscribed: "Johannis de London:--De librario Sancti Augustini Cantuarensis".


The leaves are damaged by damp, especially the last five.


Former Eton shelfmark: Bl.6.16.


This catalogue record is based on the work of Neil Ker and M.R. James, as cited in the references below.

Citation/references note

Ker, N. R.. Medieval manuscripts in British libraries, v. 2 (1977), p. 766-7

Citation/references note

James, M. R. A descriptive catalogue of the manuscripts in the library of Eton College (1895), 161

Citation/references note

Bernard, Catalogi librorum manuscriptorum Angliae et Hiberniae, 1697, 1

Cite as

Eton College Library, MS 161

Additional physical form available

Reproduction available; Bodleian Library; Eton College Library should be contacted for permission to reproduce; SFW 2163


Belonged to Master John of London ca. 1300-1350 and given by him to St Augustine's, Canterbury; see above.


Late 19th/early 20th century English calf binding.



Science, Medieval Manuscripts.

Added entry--name

John of London, Master former owner.

Added entry--name

Added entry--place


Language code



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