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Lexikon Hellēnorōmaikon hoc est, Dictionarium Græcolatinum supra omnes editiones postremo nunc hoc anno ex variis et multis præstantioribus linguæ Græcæ authoribus, commentarijs, thesauris & accessionibus, non duntaxat allegationum, sed etiam plurimarum vocum simplicium auctario locupletatum, illustratum & emendatum per G. Budæum, L. [i.e. I] Tusanum, C. Gesnerum, H. Iunium, R. Constantinum, Io. Hartungum, Mar. Hopperum.

Varying form of title

Portion of title: Dictionarium Graecolatinum

Varying form of title

Parallel title: Lexicon Graecolatinum

Publication, distribution, etc.

Basileæ : Ex officina Henricpetrina, anno salutis humanæ M.D.LXVIII. mense Septembri [1568]

Physical description

[1908] p. ; 35 cm. (fol.)


Publication date from colophon.


Signatures: [dagger]⁴ A-Z⁸ Aa-Zz⁸ AA-ZZ⁸ AAa-QQq⁸ RRr-VVu¹⁰ XXx-ZZz⁸ AAA-RRR⁸ SSS⁶ TTT-ZZZ⁸ AAAa-CCCc⁸.


In double columns.


Imprint from colophon.


Printer's device on 3C8 verso.


Note to the reader dated Basileæ calendis Septembris anno nostri Redemptoris M.D.LXVIII [1568], f. [dagger]2.

Formatted contents note

No display constant generated: Contents (of Opuscula): De verbis quae difficiliora sunt ad investigandum, ad sua themata revocandis - Cyrilli, dictionum collectio quae accentu variant significatum - Significationes particulae hōs - Choerobosci, de dictionibus quibus additur vel abijcitur - Eiusdem, quod verborum canones exactè investigari non possint - De Graecarum linguarum proprietate, ex scriptis de arte Ioann. Grammatici - Plutarchi, de dialectis - Orbicii, de exercitus ordinibus - Significata tou hē - Tryphonis grammatici, de passionibus dictionum - De inclinatis, & encliticis, & synencliticis - Amerotij, de graecorum notis arithmeticis, ibidem - De varia mensium appellatione.


Late 16th century inscription on front flyleaf 'books for Mr Carter' with prices. The Lexicon cost 4 shillings.


Two bookplates of Eton College on the front pastedown and f. [dagger]1 verso.


Manuscript note (17th?) on the right upper corner of the t.p.: 'Pretium 20 shillings'.


A few later manuscript notes towards the end of the book on foliation.


16th century English calf binding; blind tooled triple fillet border; frame of blind tooled triple fillet and decorative roll; central panel of cross-hatched blind tooled triple fillet with the same decorative roll; remains of tacks for chain and clasps, left to right; 20th century rebacking with blind tooled triple fillet; six raised bands.

Copy-specific note

Two leaves misplaced in gathering 3S.


Greek language Dictionaries Early works to 1800.


Encyclopedias and dictionaries, Greek.


Encyclopedias and dictionaries, Latin Early works to 1800.

Added entry--name

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Added entry--name

Added entry--name

Added entry--name

Added entry--name

Added entry--name

Cyrillus glossatòr. Dictionum collectio quae accentu variant significatum.

Added entry--name

Added entry--name

Added entry--place

Switzerland Basel.

Language code

lat grc


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