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Doctrina numorum veterum conscripta a Iosepho Eckhel.

Varying form of title

Portion of title: Doctrina nvmorvm vetervm

Publication, distribution, etc.

Vindobonae : Sumptibus Iosephi Vincentii Degen, impressit Ignatius Alberti, MDCCXCII-MDCCCXXXIX. [1792-1839]

Physical description

9 v. : port. ; 25 cm. (4to)


Vols 2-8: editio secunda.


Imprint of v. 2-[9]: Vindobonae : Sumptibus Friderici Volke. Vol. 2 published 1839, v. 3-8 1828, v. [9] 1826.


Preface of v. [9] has caption: A. Steinbüchel lectori s.p.


"Notitia literaria de vita et scriptis Iosephi Hilarii Eckhel ... ab A.L. Millin ... publice praelecta, et ex Gallico idiomate Latine reddita ab Em. Th. Hohler" -- vol. [9], p. [v]-xvi.


Includes errata.

Formatted contents note

Contents: Pars 1. De numis urbium, populorum, regum ; v. 1. Continens prolegomena generalia, tum numos Hispaniae, Galliae, Britanniae, Germaniae, Italiae cum insulis. -- v. 2. Continens reliquas Europae regiones cum parte Asiae Minoris. -- v. 3. Continens reliquam Asiam Minorem, et regiones deinceps in ortum sitas. -- v. 4. Continens Aegyptum, et regiones Africae deinceps in occasum sitas, observata generalia ad partem I huius operis, et indices in partem I. -- Pars 2. De moneta Romanorum ; v. 5. Continens numos consulares et familiarum subiectis indicibus. -- v. 6. Continens numos imperatorios a Iulio Caesare usque ad Hadrianum eiusque familiam. -- v. 7. Numos imperatorios ab Antoinio Pio usque ad Imperium Diocletiani. -- v. 8. Continens numos imperatorios, qui supersunt, pseudomonetam observata generalia in partem II et indices in volumina VI, VII, VIII. -- v. [9]. Addenda ad Eckhelii doctrinam numorum veterum / ex eiusdem autographo postumo, cum tabula aenea.


Armorial bookplate of Eton School Library on front pastedown.


18th-century quarter-bound brown morocco and brown calfskin over millboards. Covers decorated with double gilt fillets to form a border; gilt roll on board-edges; blind tooling on turn-ins. Spine with five raised bands decorated with gilt fillets, tools and titling over black label ("Eckhel doctrina numorum veterum"; "vol. [number]"). Textblock trimmed and sprinkled red. Endpapers of undecorated wove paper including pastedowns; one flyleaf at upper end of the textblock and two flyleaves at the lower end.

Copy-specific note

Former ECL shelfmark: Go.3.01-Go.3.08.


Coins Rome.


Coins, Roman.


Coins Greece.

Added entry--name

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Added entry--place

Austria Vienna.

Language code

lat fre


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