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A very proper treatise, wherein is briefly sett forthe the arte of limming, which teacheth the order in drawing [and] tracing of letters, vinets, flowers, armes and imagery, [and] the maner how to make sundry sises or grounds to laye siluer or golde vppon, and how siluer or golde shalbe layed or limmed vppon the sise, [and] the waye to temper golde [and] siluer and other mettales and diuerse kyndes of colours to write or to limme withall vppon velym, parchement or paper, [and] howe to lay them vpon the worke which thou entendest to make, [and] howe to vernish yt when thou hast done, with diuerse other thinges very mete [and] necessary to be knowne to all such gentlemenne, and other persones as doe delite in limming, painting or in tricking of armes in their right colors, [and] therfor a worke very mete to be adioined to the bookes of armes, neuer put in printe before this time..

Varying form of title

Arte of limming

Publication, distribution, etc.

Imprinted at London : In Flete strete within temple Barre at the signe of the Hande [and] starre by Richard Tottill., An. 1573..

Physical description

xii leaves ; 19 cm. (4to)


At foot of title: Cum priuilegio.


Running title reads: The arte of limming.


Signatures: A-C⁴.

Citation/references note

STC (2nd ed.), 24252.

Citation/references note

ESTC, S111439


No provenance information recorded in this item. On the title page of the first item in this volume, there is the ms. signature: "12th ?Dec. 1886 / J. R. Oliphant".


Sammelband. 20th-century speckled calfskin over ?millboards. Covers decorated with blind fillets to form two concentric panels; the inner panel has blind tools at the outer corners; the space in between has been dotted more heavily and appears is darker. Spine with five raised bands, decorated with blind fillets and gilt titling over red label ("Bossewell's Workes of armorie"). Textblock trimmed and sprinkled red. Endpapers of undecorated paper; two flyleaves at both ends of the textblock.

Copy-specific note

Bound with another item, shelfmark Gi.7.07(01): Works of armory.


Painting Early works to 1800.


Illumination of books and manuscripts Early works to 1800.


Painting Technique Early works to 1800.

Added entry--name

Added entry--name

Oliphant, James former owner.

Added entry--place

England London.

Language code



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